15:31:32 <robjo> #startmeeting openSUSE Summit Organization 15:31:32 <bugbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 10 15:31:32 2013 UTC. The chair is robjo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:31:32 <bugbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:31:54 <robjo> Hello and welcome to the summit organization meeting, who's here to help me out ;) 15:32:06 <izabelvalverde> I'm here :) 15:32:50 * robjo was hoping Andy would be here 15:33:27 <robjo> Oh well. I'll type away to give an update on the stuff I have been fiddling with, maybe others will show up 15:33:40 <robjo> Our keynote speaker is confirmed :) 15:33:52 <robjo> I was able to make plae and hotel reservations for him. 15:34:00 <izabelvalverde> good! 15:34:21 <robjo> Thanks to the folks at SUSE (Travel and SUSECon team) for helping out and getting this done. 15:34:43 <robjo> The schedule is almost done. 15:35:07 <robjo> Except for Lars and adrianS all speakers have confirmed 15:35:31 <adrianS> robjo: I do ... but I am still on vacation :) 15:35:42 * henne eyes adrianS 15:35:58 <robjo> adrianS: thanks, confirmation ack 15:36:14 <robjo> darix: ping 15:36:30 <robjo> Leaves Lars to confirm his time slots 15:36:40 <darix> robjo: hackweek time!:p 15:37:05 <robjo> darix: is your "boss" aroud this week? 15:37:30 <robjo> darix: he is supposed to confirm his openSUSE Summit speaking slot 15:37:47 <robjo> anyway, the schedule will be posted no later than the end of tomorrow my time 15:38:09 <robjo> I will then work on a draft for news.o.o to announce the schedule and keynote speaker 15:38:34 <robjo> This means we need to focus on the evening events next 15:38:53 <izabelvalverde> news.o.o is full of announce schedule... we need to find a good slot then 15:39:15 <stevedorries> Sorry, little late to the keyboard, I'm here as well 15:39:43 <robjo> izabelvalverde: yup, I am aware of that problem, I gave a heads up to jospoortvliet about the upcoming Summit news 15:39:53 <gmelo> I'm here for the meeting too. Forgot to mention that. 15:39:57 <robjo> stevedorries: np 15:40:16 <robjo> cool lets talk about local outreach 15:40:26 <robjo> gmelo: any updates? 15:41:06 <robjo> and there is the man of the hour anditosan 15:41:23 <izabelvalverde> hey anditosan :) 15:41:23 <robjo> anditosan: I'll put you on the spot right away 15:41:38 <robjo> anditosan: status of the flyer for local outreach? 15:42:40 <gmelo> No, I don't have any updates because I'm waiting for the flyer to be changed and because I'm working full time on the SUSECON/Summit appliances. My plan is to start reaching locals with the flyer/phone. Probably next week since I had some progress with the kiosk appliance last night 15:43:23 <robjo> anditosan: is on critical path ;) 15:43:34 <gmelo> I believe we still have enough time for that and that's why I'm focusing on the appliances 15:43:49 <robjo> anditosan: any news? 15:45:13 <robjo> OK, looks like anditosan is not really here :( 15:46:14 <robjo> We need to find a solution for the flyer, ideas? We cannot really wait and I haven't heard from anditosan after a few pings on the topic via e-mail either 15:46:36 * robjo hopes anditosan is OK and hasn't fallen off the face of the planet 15:46:49 <robjo> SO anyone artwork ideas? 15:46:51 <gmelo> I'll start emailing and calling locals next week then. I'll not wait for the flyer then 15:47:03 <gmelo> I can send it later I suppose 15:47:11 <robjo> gmelo: yes, no waiting please 15:47:12 <gmelo> Is that ok? 15:47:32 <gmelo> K. I'll start that next Monday then. 15:47:34 <robjo> yes we will print he flyers locally anyway and then ask for pickup 15:47:48 <gmelo> And I should have some update for our next meeting. 15:47:54 <kl_eisbaer> robjo: sessions confirmed (as far as I understood this is what you wanted to know?) 15:48:24 <robjo> kl_eisbaer: yes, thanks 15:48:37 <robjo> #info all speakers have confirmed 15:48:44 <stevedorries> I've already contacted the CS department at Daytona State to send out emails to their students, they've agreed to do this 15:48:55 <izabelvalverde> great speakers btw 15:49:07 <gmelo> Nice @stevedorries 15:49:16 <robjo> #info the schedule is complete and will be posted to summit.o.o by end of day Friday 15:49:46 <robjo> #action robjo write draft for news.o.o article about keynote speaker and schedule send to jospoortvliet 15:50:07 <stevedorries> gmelo: I couldn't get anyone to answer my calls at UCF or UNF though and I don't have enough time to drive there to speak in person 15:50:17 <robjo> stevedorries: how much territory can you cover from Daytona? 15:51:10 <gmelo> stevedorries: I wrote their names down and I'll contact them next week. I'll keep you posted about it. 15:51:43 <stevedorries> robjo: I'm in Flagler county, that's the county immediately north of Volusia, I can cover all of Flagler, that's two highschools and one DSC satellite campus 15:52:06 <stevedorries> as well as the main DSC campus, which has a UCF remote campus in it 15:52:25 <gmelo> stevedorries: Do you know any local LUGs there? 15:52:53 <gmelo> I'm planning in reaching them as well. 15:53:06 <stevedorries> gmelo: they aren't active and there aren't any campus LUGs to my knowledge 15:53:13 <robjo> stevedorries: thats great how many flyers would you eatimate you can distribute in this area? 15:53:27 <gmelo> stevedorries: Ok. 15:53:42 <stevedorries> robjo: that depends on the flyer type we're talking about 15:54:22 <stevedorries> robjo: will they be large format wall posters or small 8x4 type take away cards? 15:54:41 <izabelvalverde> gmelo stevedorries this ML group can be a good place to advertise as well tos@teachingopensource.org 15:54:43 <robjo> should be 8.5x11 15:54:59 <gmelo> izabelvalverde: Thanks. 15:55:10 <izabelvalverde> ;) 15:55:50 <robjo> OK, so we desperately need someone to finish the flyer, I suck at artwork 15:56:25 <robjo> My daughter is buried in school work, but I'll see if she can squeeze out an hour to help dad in need ;) 15:56:38 <izabelvalverde> anditosan just need to be kicked and he will finish for sure :D 15:56:51 <gmelo> :) 15:56:55 <anditosan> robjo: sorry for the late response my friend 15:57:00 <anditosan> hey everyone 15:57:05 <anditosan> the flyer is ready and it is on git 15:57:10 <gmelo> There he is. Welcome anditosan 15:57:17 <izabelvalverde> see? :D 15:57:19 <anditosan> all you would have to do is make sure that you have all the info you need 15:57:51 <robjo> there he is, I guess we finally harassed anditosan enough to wake up ;) 15:58:02 <gmelo> robjo: Please can you check the flyer and let me know later if that's ok to use or not? 15:58:34 <robjo> anditosan: I did send you the info for the flyer via e-mail did you see the mail/make changes from original propopsal? 15:58:46 <anditosan> this flyer probably only needs the logos from our sponsors 15:58:56 <anditosan> robjo: not sure 15:59:19 <robjo> anditosan: pretty certain I mailed you the logos, SUSE and OrangeFS 15:59:25 <anditosan> is this the summit meeting already? I thought it was going to be 1 PM my time 15:59:41 <anditosan> robjo: you did, let me make sure I have them and make the changes right away 16:00:05 <robjo> anditosan: we started at 11:30 EDT 16:00:13 <anditosan> oh! 16:00:31 <izabelvalverde> robjo Servegy didn't get in? 16:00:52 <robjo> izabelvalverde: Servergy ahs not confirmed that they would sponsor 16:00:59 <robjo> I did send them an e-mail 16:01:28 <robjo> they are sponsoring SUSECon this year and it would have been nice for them to also sponsor the summit but I have no answer yet 16:01:46 <izabelvalverde> any extra push just ping me ;) 16:02:10 <robjo> izabelvalverde: feel free to follow up with them or anyone else 16:02:19 <izabelvalverde> okey 16:02:23 * anditosan is adding logos to the flyers 16:02:57 <gmelo> robjo: Quick question. How are we gonna handle the backpacks? Do you want me to get them with Marketing and ship to FL? 16:03:31 <robjo> gmelo: yes, if you can just make certain they get on the truck that would be great 16:04:03 <robjo> Since we are talking about sponsors..... 16:04:07 <gmelo> robjo: Ok. I'll align it with Darren and I let you know. 16:04:47 <robjo> Maybe we can drum up a couple of pizza places locally to give us a reduced pizza price for a pizza party on Friday night 16:05:20 <izabelvalverde> Last year I contacted 2 places 16:05:24 <stevedorries> robjo: that may work 16:05:43 <izabelvalverde> I can find the contacts and forward to you in any case 16:06:16 <robjo> That reminds me, we I need to confirm we can even do that 16:06:28 <robjo> AlanClark: Hi, thanks 16:06:36 <AlanClark> hey robjo 16:06:48 <robjo> AlanClark: how much food did we order last year for Summit evening events, do you remembre? 16:07:13 * AlanClark thinking 16:07:14 <robjo> #action robjo to confirm we can have pizza party with outside food 16:07:39 <AlanClark> We based it on the # of registered 16:08:02 <robjo> So far we only have on the order of 30 :( 16:08:20 <izabelvalverde> Hey AlanClark!!! 16:08:27 <AlanClark> We ordered to much 16:09:04 <AlanClark> part of the reason is we had invited LUGs to join us 16:09:18 <AlanClark> and the LUG attendees didn't stay for the evening events 16:09:59 <robjo> Do we have a "attending evening event" button on the registration form, does anyone know? 16:10:19 <stevedorries> Robjo: looking at it now 16:10:41 <stevedorries> no attending evening box 16:11:16 <stevedorries> Attending with partner; Using affiliated lodging; Handicapped access required 16:11:27 <stevedorries> Those are the boxes 16:12:22 * robjo wonders if there is even such a feature in OSEM 16:13:00 <robjo> #action robjo to investigate f there is an "evening event" checkbox option in OSEM, if not file a feature request 16:13:24 <robjo> #info mail to check if can can bring outside food sent 16:13:44 <izabelvalverde> those that attended SUSECon and stayed longer brought the family too 16:13:46 <robjo> # action robjo let stevedorries know if we need to contact local pizza shop or not 16:14:05 <robjo> #action robjo let stevedorries know if we need to contact local pizza shop or not 16:14:07 <izabelvalverde> I believe "number of guests" could be added too 16:14:12 <AlanClark> we invited spouses and families to join the evening events. Post feedback was very positive 16:14:18 <robjo> without the space to make it show up in the og propperly 16:14:38 <robjo> OK, so one night we'll do a pizza party, what about night 2, Saturday? 16:15:21 <izabelvalverde> Saturday wouldn't be the play? 16:15:42 <robjo> izabelvalverde: ???? 16:16:05 <stevedorries> Tacos? 16:16:05 <izabelvalverde> last year the game was the boats and pool right? 16:16:08 <robjo> also we need to put some format onto our "Find the Geeko" game discussed on the ML 16:16:30 <robjo> How many geekos should we place, 20, 30, or more? 16:16:30 <izabelvalverde> find the Geeko << that's it 16:16:56 <robjo> izabelvalverde: the "find the geeko" game was intended to run throughout the summit 16:17:16 <anditosan> robjo: could you email me the orangefs logo again please? I only have SUSE's 16:17:19 <robjo> i.e. start riday at opening keynote, announce the winner at closing 16:17:20 <stevedorries> Like the "Hidden Mickies" 16:17:33 <izabelvalverde> ahh ok 16:17:41 <stevedorries> that are located throughout the parks and resorts 16:18:09 <izabelvalverde> but we don't have a big audience so keep the few away the venue might not be a good idea 16:18:27 <izabelvalverde> just a thought 16:19:02 <robjo> anditosan: on the way 16:19:07 <anditosan> thanks :D 16:20:16 <robjo> izabelvalverde: well hopefully the 3- registrations will grow when we get local outreach going 16:20:57 <robjo> shall we go with 20 geekos that we'll plcae in the conference area? 16:21:06 <izabelvalverde> usually events over the weeken brings people just on saturdays 16:21:43 <robjo> izabelvalverde: winner has to be present to win, we'll keep drawing until one person is there to win it 16:22:32 <izabelvalverde> ;) 16:22:58 <robjo> So if we go with 20 geekos, each one gets a number and those that find them will need to describe where they were found, by number, person with the most finds wins, sound reasonable? 16:23:55 <robjo> OK, silence is agreement 16:24:09 <stevedorries> FLOSS Weekly, the free software podcast on TWiT has an opening for a guest on the 30th, should someone approad Randall about the Summit/openSUSE? 16:24:30 <stevedorries> Oh, also, 20 sounds like a good number 16:24:43 <robjo> stevedorries: yes about FLOSS weekly 16:24:55 <robjo> can you do the initial contact? 16:25:00 <stevedorries> I can 16:25:37 <robjo> anditosan: can you make 20 geekos each with a number on the belly, about the size of a smart phone? 16:26:06 <robjo> #action stevedorries to contact FLOSS Weekly for podcats spot 16:26:09 <anditosan> you mean the geeko that we use for the logo? 16:26:35 <robjo> anditosan: yes, our regular geeko, just needs a number on it 16:26:38 <anditosan> robjo: would this one do? http://s1108.photobucket.com/user/anditosan/media/ChameleonSticker_zps0bbbc979.png.html?sort=3&o=53 16:27:16 <robjo> anditosan: yes, cool. replace 12.3 with #1, #2, #3 .... #20 16:27:19 <stevedorries> Who would go on the call with Randall and his cohost? 16:27:21 <anditosan> Ok 16:27:44 <robjo> #action anditosan create numbered geekos for the "find the geeko game" 16:28:00 <robjo> stevedorries: I'll be happy to talk to them unless someone else wants to do it 16:28:29 <stevedorries> robjo: There can be multiple people on the call 16:28:43 <stevedorries> it's a 1 hour format 16:28:51 <robjo> if anyone wants to join, jump right in ;) 16:29:09 <robjo> OK, let see where this goes 16:29:28 <stevedorries> robjo: If needed I'm more than willing to be on it as well 16:29:46 <robjo> stevedorries: thanks 16:30:08 <robjo> maybe we can pull AlanClark in as well, he's good with this stuff ;) 16:30:23 <anditosan> AlanClark: you da man! 16:30:38 <anditosan> AlanClark: we better go out to lunch some time! 16:30:49 <stevedorries> robjo: Wasn't AlanClark on the show some time ago talking about openSUSE and the OBS? 16:30:56 <robjo> can someone write some text about the find the geeko game and get it to summit.o.o, i.e. send me a pull request? 16:30:56 <anditosan> stevedorries: yes 16:31:18 <anditosan> robjo: I could, where is the basis of this game? 16:31:29 <anditosan> so that I can start from somewhere 16:31:44 <robjo> anditosan: we will place 20 geekos throught the venu 16:31:48 <anditosan> ok 16:32:02 <robjo> participants get a sheet and need to discribe the location of each geeko they find 16:32:20 <robjo> person with most correct finds wins the game 16:32:26 <AlanClark> robjo - best to check with Sharon to make sure the venue won't throw them away 16:32:31 <robjo> winner announce on Sunday during closing 16:32:37 <robjo> winner must be present to win 16:32:49 <robjo> AlanClark: thanks 16:33:08 <stevedorries> anditosan: Disney Imagineers have hidden Mickey Mouse logos throughout the parks and resorts, in that vein we've hidden Geekos through out the conference area 16:33:17 <anditosan> stevedorries: nice! 16:33:20 <robjo> #action robjo follow up with sharon to ensure Disney cleaning crew does not discard our geekos 16:34:01 <izabelvalverde> also check if they will allow us to hide the geekos 16:34:02 <robjo> #action anditosan write rules of find the geeko game and get them to summit.o.o 16:34:26 <stevedorries> I'm on the Local Outreach committee for the 2013 openSUSE Summit. We would like to be on the show to discuss the upcoming conference, who's going to be there, what it's all about and what's going on with openSUSE since the last time we were on the show. 16:34:34 <stevedorries> Is this wording alright? 16:34:58 <robjo> stevedorries: sounds good to me 16:35:20 <robjo> OK, we're a bit ove the hour and I don't want to keep everyone for much longer 16:35:28 <robjo> anything else that is pressing for today? 16:35:43 <izabelvalverde> just a remind 16:35:46 <gmelo> robjo: I think we are good. 16:35:51 <izabelvalverde> TSP second call opens today 16:36:09 <stevedorries> Next week, same bat time, same bat channel? 16:36:25 <robjo> izabelvalverde: when does it close, I'll get it on the web site 16:36:31 <gmelo> stevedorries: and rob 16:36:32 <robjo> stevedorries: yes 16:36:39 <gmelo> That works for me 16:36:49 <robjo> izabelvalverde: can you add the meeting to the openSUSE calendar again please? 16:36:50 <izabelvalverde> robjo 17th 16:37:04 <izabelvalverde> robjo sure 16:37:19 <izabelvalverde> same time right? 16:37:26 <robjo> izabelvalverde: thanks, yes 16:37:33 <izabelvalverde> ok 16:37:41 <robjo> OK, thanks everyone for attending and helping 16:37:49 <robjo> #endmeeting