09:16:35 <warlordfff> #startmeeting Find the etherpad we created for today http://manugupt1.ietherpad.com/os-Collab-Ambassador? Feel free to share your ideas
09:16:35 <bugbot> Meeting started Mon Dec  6 09:16:35 2010 UTC.  The chair is warlordfff. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
09:16:35 <bugbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
09:24:17 <gnokii> good evening helen_au
09:24:33 <helen_au> gnokii, hi Sirko
09:24:43 <warlordfff> Hello helen_au
09:24:48 <gnokii> just wrote a mail with the posters
09:24:56 <helen_au> hi kostas
09:25:20 <helen_au> I thought I'd pop in and see what was happening with the collab
09:25:35 <warlordfff> well
09:25:44 <warlordfff> we just started
09:25:56 <helen_au> great
09:26:07 <warlordfff> Find the etherpad we created for today http://manugupt1.ietherpad.com/os-Collab-Ambassador?
09:26:13 <helen_au> yep
09:28:13 <gnokii> first banner bad idea
09:28:27 <gnokii> example the GNOME booth box is lost
09:28:35 <gnokii> worth 2500 € lost
09:28:56 <suseROCKs> hi I'm back
09:28:58 <gnokii> next example looked for sending it to swiss for froscamp costs 900€
09:29:03 <suseROCKs> Hi helen_au
09:29:25 <gnokii> so its cheaper to print a banner for every ambassador on the end as sending them via postal service in the round
09:29:56 <warlordfff> gnokii you are propably right
09:29:58 <helen_au> sorry what's that about banner?
09:29:58 <AJaeger> gnokii: It seems that the GNOME booth box has much more material than is propose here.
09:30:08 <AJaeger> helen_au: First item on the etherpad
09:30:21 <helen_au> right, back shortly after I've read.
09:30:46 <suseROCKs> the gnome Event Kit contains a complete PC set
09:31:08 <gnokii> yes AJaeger but I looked for sending a thing to .ve in april it was 40 times cheaper to buy that there
09:32:00 <AJaeger> gnokii: Yes, that might be true - and therefore the idea was to have them distributed. Have one banner in Brazil for all of Brazil (or all of South America) - whatever works best.
09:32:03 <gnokii> AJaeger: we can ask michl how iften was the rollup from SUSE is gone ;)
09:32:31 <AJaeger> gnokii: not that often
09:32:36 <gnokii> ooh
09:32:51 <AJaeger> gnokii: That's why the idea was to have a local banner master that took care of it...
09:32:55 <warlordfff> we propably make more events  that SUSE
09:32:56 <gnokii> one was gone after Desktop Summit and one after LinuxTag I thaught
09:33:36 <AJaeger> That's not often ;)
09:33:49 <suseROCKs> well part of the goal of that item in warlordfff's list is to look at the cost analysis of shipping
09:33:52 <gnokii> oft enough or what costs one of it?
09:34:08 <suseROCKs> vs. what it costs to send to everyone.    We have more ambassadors than events.
09:34:22 <helen_au> is ok to add thoughts to pad?
09:34:39 <warlordfff> of cource
09:34:52 <gnokii> mmh then it should be thaught about costs before "who manage it"
09:34:55 <suseROCKs> and don't forget the cost of stands to go with the banners
09:35:06 <warlordfff> of course
09:35:27 <suseROCKs> but we did think about costs when Jos and I discussed budget and we realized it was cheaper to do it this way
09:36:21 <gnokii> then please tell us ur calculation
09:36:24 <warlordfff> well on that we must see in how many countries we make events
09:36:51 <suseROCKs> well if we calculated US as an example here
09:37:02 <suseROCKs> for 5 major events in US
09:37:14 <suseROCKs> shipping cost is about $10USD
09:37:27 <helen_au> what sort of budget for give-away promotional items?
09:37:57 <suseROCKs> and if we sent 2 banners  each printed cost about $25
09:38:15 <suseROCKs> and stands cost about $60 if I remember off the top of my head
09:38:47 <suseROCKs> so already right here in US its much cheaper to have banner masters like other organizations do
09:38:55 <gnokii> why u sent two banners?
09:39:21 <suseROCKs> prefer 3?
09:39:38 <warlordfff> 2 sound reasonable
09:39:54 <warlordfff> for the 2 sides of the booth
09:40:10 <suseROCKs> one horizontal banner that is behind the booth and 1 upright banner for next to booth table
09:40:16 <gnokii> I prefer one, thens only 5$ more then sending it with the post so its amortized after 1,5 events
09:41:05 <suseROCKs> gnokii,   but that's the thing.   Now I don't know how it looks in your area, but here in US.  our openSUSE Booths look amateur compared to Fedora booth because of their professional banner distribution
09:41:49 <warlordfff> gnokii we are not running alone, we have to compete against others
09:41:58 <gnokii> simple solution for me I used a beamer last event for the background
09:42:05 <warlordfff> so we have to be at least like them
09:42:32 <suseROCKs> that wouldn't have worked at OLF for sure.
09:42:45 <warlordfff> beamer?
09:42:58 <suseROCKs> some booths don't have depth for beamers  (projectors)
09:43:03 <warlordfff> oh
09:43:16 <gnokii> suseROCKs: its simpler to make one banner for the front, and posters for the background because u never know how many place is there
09:43:16 <suseROCKs> and how many people have access to a beamer?
09:43:55 <warlordfff> well it cost me cheaper to print the banners myself than buy a beamer
09:43:59 <helen_au> could we get sponsorship for banners?
09:44:13 <warlordfff> thats a great idea
09:44:14 <suseROCKs> helen_au,   we've got that.
09:44:16 <gnokii> have nothing to do with access was the example what can be done with using head and cretivity
09:44:17 <helen_au> kk
09:44:42 <suseROCKs> helen_au,   Jos is prepared to spend the budget on these banners with distribution.  We're just awaiting design and determination of who should be the banner masters
09:45:28 <warlordfff> gnokii you are probably right about creativity but uniformity should exist
09:45:37 <helen_au> suseROCKs, then is it useful to worry about alternatives?
09:45:37 <warlordfff> among us
09:45:44 <helen_au> if we're going to have the banners available?
09:46:08 <suseROCKs> helen_au,   I don't think so.  The determination now should be how to move forward
09:46:09 <helen_au> I figure the point of a resource kit is that it saves having to use too much creativity
09:46:12 <helen_au> the basics are there
09:46:14 <helen_au> ready to go
09:46:19 <helen_au> unpack the box, unfurl the banner
09:46:20 <helen_au> and bang
09:46:23 <helen_au> you have your booth.
09:46:26 <suseROCKs> exactly
09:46:27 <gnokii> We are just waiting for the contibution from the marketing team, but always same, talking talking talking
09:46:56 <warlordfff> well I disagree
09:46:59 <helen_au> gnokii, I just sent an email re your poster text by the way
09:47:01 <suseROCKs> gnokii,   we were ready to go ahead in September, but you asked us to wait on the banners.   So we suspended per your request
09:47:54 <gnokii> hope one day begins suseROCKs to listen to others
09:48:24 <suseROCKs> gnokii,   we DID listen to you.  You asked us to wait until after openSUSE Conference.    Now you complaining that we didn't?   Which is it?
09:49:06 <gnokii> we had an discussion about visual identity on confernce, I made immediatly after it an piratepad still waiting for contribution there, some times suseROCKs should listen to Nuno when he says took years and think about what happen when, he only talk instead doing
09:49:45 <suseROCKs> gnokii,   Nuno also said we have to recognize that we can't always wait for that and there are always more pressing needs that need to be taken care of
09:50:05 <gnokii> hope someone presses u to do ur part
09:50:13 <warlordfff> why there is that disagreement?
09:50:16 <gnokii> not always commanding troops
09:50:33 <suseROCKs> gnokii,  hope you don't tell us to stop doing something and then complain when we didn't do it.   Would be a nice change of pace for once.
09:50:35 <warlordfff> today we co-operate
09:50:49 <helen_au> ok gentlemen, let's focus on what we need to do to move forward
09:51:06 <warlordfff> hey CarlosRibeiro
09:51:26 <helen_au> banners are going ahead, once Jos has budget, right? We just need design, and decide who takes care of them.
09:51:59 <warlordfff> right
09:52:02 <gnokii> mr. suseROCKs what ur main problem is ur always to the second step for the first one, and when I say stop it make the first one its not right
09:52:18 <helen_au> so is there any sample designs put forward already? or waiting on some information?
09:52:33 <gnokii> helen_au: yes u saw them I work on it
09:52:40 <helen_au> oh the colored set?
09:52:42 <helen_au> ok good
09:52:48 <helen_au> they are great
09:52:49 <gnokii> and I can not do more then work 16hrs a day
09:52:58 <warlordfff> can you please give a link ?
09:53:01 <CarlosRibeiro> Morning
09:53:15 <helen_au> CarlosRibeiro, jospoortvliet hello!
09:53:22 <gnokii> warlordfff: as I said plz read mails not only send nice answers!
09:53:40 <warlordfff> is that in your last mail?
09:54:05 <warlordfff> I read more than 60 mails a day man
09:54:10 <jospoortvliet> helen_au: morning
09:54:10 <helen_au> http://karl-tux-stadt.de/ktuxs/?p=2922&cpage=1
09:54:26 <helen_au> lolz my inbox has 2000 unread mails....
09:54:31 <warlordfff> ok I saw that yesterday
09:54:36 <warlordfff> really nice
09:54:37 <helen_au> yep those are the banner designs
09:54:52 <gnokii> warlordfff: I give u some from me I have arround 400 a day, but still u can write stupid mails think a little bit on it
09:55:03 <warlordfff> I also made a comment on the ML
09:55:08 <helen_au> nice work. I just emailed, if you guys more familiar can start pirate pad with titles and any key points, I'll do up some text
09:55:11 <helen_au> to make a start
09:55:23 <gnokii> sure u commented then u have the link
09:55:27 <helen_au> sorry that was garbled
09:55:37 <warlordfff> gnokii please calm down man
09:56:03 <warlordfff> I am not talking to you that way
09:56:17 <warlordfff> its the 2nd time you do it
09:57:29 <helen_au> so regarding the text for the banners, what I meant was for someone familiar with the distribution aims eg Jos
09:57:36 <helen_au> to make a few notes for me to start with
09:57:43 <helen_au> so I know the direction and tone to write about
09:58:41 <gnokii> helen_au: sorry I am not the expert for it especially have to work under pressure
09:59:26 <helen_au> do you have a list of titles for your posters? (most I can guess from the pictures0
10:00:10 <gnokii> for some there exists old,  for some I had ideas like OBS or YaST
10:00:31 <gnokii> for some I have no idea like kiwi, education, medical
10:01:09 <helen_au> ok I'll just start something, and I'll email a link to the marketing team, can I request that someone checks in and helps?
10:01:14 <helen_au> when I send that
10:01:39 <helen_au> because I don't know the current status/aims/etc discussed at conference
10:02:45 <warlordfff> about cheat sheets
10:03:10 <gnokii> the result from conference doesnt matter anymore, because I made that decission what was needed alone (not happy about)
10:03:12 <warlordfff> I believe I saw somewhre but I just cannot remember where
10:03:49 <helen_au> gnokii, I think so few of us actively working, that happens... we just take it on....
10:04:31 <helen_au> cheat sheets are a great idea... command line etc. Especially useful for noobs or transitioning from DEB based distro
10:04:43 <gnokii> helen_au: on the piratepad was most such things written like, looking fresh and such guiding things for doing the graphical work
10:04:57 <warlordfff> yeah
10:05:21 <suseROCKs> AJaeger, is there a way to extract the slides that come with the oS installer?
10:05:41 <helen_au> gnokii, well you've accomplished that
10:05:55 <helen_au> gnokii, I'll use the existing texts as a guide to the sort of style that might suit.
10:05:56 <AJaeger> suseROCKs: The contents is on the media...
10:06:02 <helen_au> maybe more brief.
10:06:44 <suseROCKs> AJaeger,   I have a digital frame that I'm using at booths now, and was thinking of setting up those slides for the upcoming openSUSE booth at SCALE
10:07:02 <AJaeger> suseROCKs: On each DVD: in directory suse/setup/slide
10:07:12 <gnokii> suseROCKs: shooting himself everytime in the knee
10:07:36 <suseROCKs> AJaeger,   Cool
10:07:42 <gnokii> AJaeger: yeah but the texts are xml and the pics are different directories
10:07:48 <CarlosRibeiro> suseROCKs: we can record a virtual os instalatin and take some snapshots during the installatin process
10:08:35 <suseROCKs> CarlosRibeiro,   Could be.  I was thinking just starting simple for now with what we have and then when I see how it looks on the digital frame  build from there
10:08:37 <gnokii> maybe he should look at the snapshot page in the wiki and use the pics
10:09:02 <warlordfff> CarlosRibeiro we did that as a Greek community
10:09:19 <warlordfff> diamond_gr made it
10:09:38 <suseROCKs> Can we get that uploaded, or is it already uploaded, warlordfff?
10:10:03 <warlordfff> I don't think so
10:10:10 <gnokii> warlordfff: see thats the problem just looking in the wiki there is a page with snapshots from every step of the installation so that was already done
10:10:12 <warlordfff> he'll be here later
10:10:46 <warlordfff> I'll ask him
10:12:18 <warlordfff> I have a virtual installation for 11.2 from youtube
10:12:37 <warlordfff> I made it a videoclip for the release party
10:12:41 <suseROCKs> warlordfff,   I'm volunteering to take C.4
10:13:12 <warlordfff> C.4? the explosives?
10:13:13 <gnokii> http://en.opensuse.org/Screenshots
10:14:22 <warlordfff> I found this one
10:14:24 <warlordfff> http://el.opensuse.org/SDB:Live_CD_installation_for_11.3
10:14:35 <warlordfff> take a look at the pictures
10:14:58 <warlordfff> is that what you are looking for?
10:15:20 <gnokii> ^^
10:18:13 <helen_au> Etern4L, hello
10:18:38 <warlordfff> hi Etern4L
10:20:17 <warlordfff> Etern4L still is sleepy
10:20:41 <Etern4L> yeap i am sleepy wait i relog to another pc
10:22:24 <helen_au> just looking at this document, we ask a lot of ambassadors, big job.
10:22:55 <gnokii> helen_au: what u mean?
10:23:04 <helen_au> its a lot to do.
10:23:17 <helen_au> plannin, organizing, reporting...
10:23:29 <warlordfff> well being an ambassador comes with all this
10:23:45 <helen_au> yeah.
10:23:50 <warlordfff> ambassador is serius work
10:24:06 <helen_au> yes it is.
10:24:21 <warlordfff> I am talking so that Etern4L hears me
10:24:23 <warlordfff> ;-)
10:24:30 <helen_au> one suggestion - some way for them to keep all their information together
10:24:35 <helen_au> and easy to pass on.
10:24:41 <Etern4L> yeap i am all ears!
10:24:45 <helen_au> things like local contacts and so on
10:24:53 <helen_au> people, events, phone numbers, helpful people
10:24:58 <helen_au> not public stuff for wiki
10:24:59 <warlordfff> that is one of the reasons of this days creation
10:25:02 <gnokii> helen_au: u have not to do everything
10:25:30 <warlordfff> actually you have to
10:26:02 <warlordfff> its part of being responsible
10:26:05 <gnokii> I laugh later about the joke
10:26:13 <warlordfff> comes with the ambassador title
10:26:37 <warlordfff> why is that a joke?
10:27:19 <jospoortvliet> suseROCKs: about slides for a digital frame or something, there is a bunch of screenshots usable for a slideshow about openSUSE on the wiki :D
10:27:49 <gnokii> there was times before u, there was very clear, thats up to the ambassador what is his way to spread the word about openSUSE
10:28:20 <warlordfff> there are many ways to do something
10:28:59 <warlordfff> but there is a main way that leads you to make things
10:29:00 <helen_au> I guess the point is to make it as easy for them to do their job as possible
10:29:05 <helen_au> however they want to do it
10:29:08 <jospoortvliet> exactly
10:29:12 <warlordfff> yes
10:29:17 <CarlosRibeiro> tha't is the point
10:29:23 <warlordfff> you give the information
10:29:36 <gnokii> jospoortvliet: what u think is my feeling when warlordfff do tell me what my job is?
10:29:38 <warlordfff> so anyone who wants follows them
10:29:56 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: I doubt he does, you usually see insults where no insults exist
10:30:02 <suseROCKs> jospoortvliet,   sure.   And I wanted to use the installer slideshow  :-)
10:30:05 <helen_au> gnokii, are you an ambassador?
10:30:24 <gnokii> of course I runt this year 9 events
10:30:29 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: warlordfff is pretty clear right now on what he tries to do: create guidelines on how to work to help new ambassadors
10:30:32 <warlordfff> gnokii where exactly I made that?
10:30:37 <helen_au> cool
10:30:44 <warlordfff> nevermind
10:30:52 <jospoortvliet> warlordfff: don't bother
10:31:02 <warlordfff> jospoortvliet ok
10:31:25 <warlordfff> anyway
10:31:36 <suseROCKs> jospoortvliet,   I'm working on your talking points page right now  and btw... Good morning  :-)
10:31:47 <warlordfff> I would like opinions about "How to be an Ambassador mentor" document
10:31:52 <gnokii> [11:36] <gnokii> helen_au: u have not to do everything
10:31:53 <gnokii> [11:36] <warlordfff> actually you have to
10:31:54 <jospoortvliet> suseROCKs: +1 good morning too
10:32:17 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: you're seeing ghosts again dude you say that kind of stuff all the time
10:32:29 <jospoortvliet> please stop looking for a fight and complaining and either help or go
10:32:43 <jospoortvliet> warlordfff: link?
10:32:47 <gnokii> I dont look for a fight
10:32:50 <jospoortvliet> warlordfff: (sorry I am lazy)
10:32:53 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: looks that way
10:32:55 <warlordfff> you have to is not you must to
10:33:11 <warlordfff> http://manugupt1.ietherpad.com/os-Collab-Ambassador?
10:33:53 <jospoortvliet> warlordfff: ah that's semantics you were just saying that an ambassador is often all-round dude, gnokii knows exactly what you mean with that as he does all kinds of things too (from organizing sleeping place for other ambassadors to printing posters to planning to xxxxxxx) so he could just've said "you're right" but he'd rather see a problem
10:34:35 <warlordfff> ok
10:34:41 <suseROCKs> jospoortvliet,  so what I'm doing on this talking points page (and its related stuff) is review what's said and see what can be added/modified/bla bla  and then I'm adding a "driving point" to each section
10:35:01 <jospoortvliet> warlordfff: +1 yes, I think that 'how te be a mentor' thing would be good
10:35:15 <jospoortvliet> suseROCKs: good I will also go over it later today OK?
10:35:24 <gnokii> mr. jospoortvliet u like to kidding me?
10:35:29 <suseROCKs> yes, you need to undo everything I did  :-D
10:35:30 <helen_au> what sort of people do we have volunteering as ambassadors (relevant to mentoring question)
10:35:31 <jospoortvliet> and we need to ask, again, for domain experts to look at the Q's and answer them...
10:35:38 <jospoortvliet> suseROCKs: no not to undo but to try and add more :D
10:35:57 <helen_au> domain expert, that's a great term!
10:35:58 <suseROCKs> c'mere ya hairy lug!!!   Gimme a hug, jospoortvliet!
10:36:04 <jospoortvliet> yay
10:36:07 * jospoortvliet likes hugs
10:36:07 <helen_au> lolz
10:36:59 <warlordfff> helen_au I wolud like to think ambassadors with some experience on events and stuff
10:37:15 <helen_au> maybe not so experienced with openSUSE though?
10:37:28 <suseROCKs> helen_au,  well yes and no
10:37:37 <helen_au> hmm.
10:37:39 <gnokii> jospoortvliet: never saw warlordfff say that, I gave only helen_au an answer
10:38:12 <suseROCKs> should have multiple things to offer as mentor.  For example, yes the mentor oughta know quite a bit about openSUSE, but also quite a bit about good interaction skills (which have nothing to do with openSUSE)
10:38:16 <helen_au> don't know how to copy text
10:38:30 <helen_au> helen_au I wolud like to think ambassadors with some experience on events and stuff
10:38:34 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: it is what he meant, or at least, it is ONE interpretation. You must know as well as I do that IRC - pure text - you can interpret things any way you like. If you look for bad things in what someone says you can always find it. so DON'T DO THAT.
10:38:55 <warlordfff> about your question on mentoring
10:39:02 <helen_au> well I was firstly asking about what sort of people are already volunteering as ambassadors
10:39:04 <warlordfff> helen_au
10:39:10 <gnokii> fuck man, I didnt interpret that stuff u interpreted there the problem is
10:39:19 <warlordfff> oh ok helen_au
10:39:20 <helen_au> because if they are already suse people, or not suse people, that's a different need.
10:39:41 <helen_au> gnokii, pull your head in mate let's get on with the job
10:39:46 <gnokii> when I say something and some other say the opposite then there is nothing to interpret for me
10:39:51 <suseROCKs> helen_au,  well...  I think that's a pretty valid question, especially in terms of how new they might be to openSUSE.
10:39:55 <jospoortvliet> I don't think the mentor needs many skills or anything specific other than having been around longer than the mentoree... which in itself is helpful enough. Of course a mentor should be nice to the mentoree but I guess that's a given :D
10:40:15 <suseROCKs> I'll taken that!  :-D
10:40:45 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: yes that is the problem you interpret things other than I do - you often see the negative in what ppl say. But they don't mean it so bad, so you have a fight or are mad about nothing. which is a problem here.
10:41:14 <gnokii> so for u is a yes an no ok
10:41:15 <helen_au> for example for me being new to suse, I've found it useful for people to tell me about past suse stuff, and also open source stuff.... I can write and do that part of my job well, but the 'insider' stuff I need help with.
10:41:16 <jospoortvliet> it needs to stop. You don't need to accept unfriendly behavior but you see it where it is not there and that's the problem.
10:41:17 <suseROCKs> helen_au,   Typically what I've often seen is the new ones haven't been exposed to the overall project, so mentoring should encourage them to look beyond just the marketing stuff
10:41:29 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: I just don't expect ppl to be so negative
10:42:07 <gnokii> find it more and more funny, that some talking to me about interpreting things and do it always self
10:42:14 <jospoortvliet> helen_au: exactly. I think anyone who is new can do that, right? at least to some extend...
10:42:30 <jospoortvliet> so an ambassador only needs to have been around for a while longer than the new person and he/she can give enough info I would say.
10:42:40 <helen_au> (let's focus on job in hand please boys, and leave our egos at the door!)
10:43:00 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: if you don't want to see my point that is OK but let's please stop the discussion and let the others work
10:43:05 <CarlosRibeiro> well done helen_au
10:43:20 <suseROCKs> Muito bem!
10:44:02 <helen_au> Someone who has been here long enough to know "who's who"
10:44:22 <suseROCKs> I'd rather point to a "what's what"   or at least get us into the mentality of htat
10:44:25 <helen_au> and knows who to ask for answers they don't know, and also has done the similar job in open source if possible.
10:44:33 <gnokii> helen_au: my opinion for mentoring is a easy one
10:44:45 <helen_au> suseROCKs, I see the difference that's a good poitn
10:44:55 <helen_au> gnokii, yeah?
10:45:20 <gnokii> so u see in the last days liquidsky42 joined sometime this channel or?
10:45:23 <jospoortvliet> suseROCKs: well ppl are important too so what's what AND who's who hehe but that's all details
10:45:23 * warlordfff going for a cup of cofee
10:45:31 <jospoortvliet> warlordfff: enjoy :D
10:46:19 <suseROCKs> jospoortvliet,   you should most definitely learn about who's who around the what's what.   But one problem we've had in the past has been to point someone to a person rather than a resource of information.  And if that person is for some reason unavailable, the earth stops moving.
10:46:32 <jospoortvliet> yes, you are right
10:46:53 <helen_au> yes excellent point
10:47:15 <suseROCKs> I do find helen_au's experience of "learning the history" to be an interesting point.   How well do we document our history?
10:47:16 <jospoortvliet> suseROCKs: you were talking about slideshows
10:47:18 <jospoortvliet> http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Slideshow
10:47:51 <jospoortvliet> suseROCKs: our history is documented very well... Go to an openSUSE conference and get drunk with ppl like cornelius, klaas, henne... you'll know more than you want to at the end ;-)
10:47:54 <jospoortvliet> and you'll have a headache
10:48:02 <jospoortvliet> cuz the bloody germans can drink like nobody else :D
10:48:05 <helen_au> I don't know that I'd want it fed to me like that!
10:48:05 <jospoortvliet> hehe
10:48:10 <helen_au> it's more been in discussion
10:48:11 <helen_au> informally
10:48:15 <helen_au> people tell me stuff
10:48:23 <jospoortvliet> yeah
10:48:42 <helen_au> and when I first started working with the project, Jos was "holding my hand" checking in on my work, lots of compliments
10:48:46 <helen_au> which was very encouraging
10:48:51 <suseROCKs> jospoortvliet,   nope thatot what I was looking for  :-)
10:49:01 <helen_au> so I think that sort of thing is important from a mentor
10:49:13 <jospoortvliet> helen_au: I'
10:49:15 <helen_au> it helps you feel like you belong, that what you are doing is useful
10:49:19 <jospoortvliet> helen_au: I will take that as a compliment then :D
10:49:21 <warlordfff> yes helen_au thats what we are talking about
10:49:31 <jospoortvliet> but modeling the mentors to me is not good. Too huggy :D
10:49:34 <helen_au> so you can't formalize that too much
10:49:44 <jospoortvliet> helen_au: indeed
10:50:04 <warlordfff> not formalize but recomend a few people
10:50:09 <suseROCKs> did I read that right?  Did jospoortvliet  actually use "too" and "huggy" in the same sentence???
10:50:11 <jospoortvliet> so that's what I said before, the mentors don't need many skills just a little experience in openSUSE (having been around a bit longer than the newby) and being friendly
10:50:22 <jospoortvliet> suseROCKs: no you didn't read that right. Must be your eyes getting worse.
10:50:29 <suseROCKs> :-P
10:50:32 <warlordfff> so that someone new will feel comfortable enough to contact him
10:50:45 <suseROCKs> the right eye can't get any worse.  it's completely blind  :-P
10:50:56 <helen_au> brb
10:50:59 <warlordfff> ahahaha
10:51:01 <jospoortvliet> warlordfff: I think we need at least 1 or 2 ppl per region, so mentors are close to mentorees both in culture and location. again, low barrier for being mentor I would say :D
10:51:08 <jospoortvliet> suseROCKs: lol
10:51:41 <warlordfff> jospoortvliet that is what Stathis recomended
10:51:49 <gnokii> jospoortvliet: what about no mentors?
10:52:19 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: also possible, not have a official position but just ask on the list 'hey, here's a new dude, anyone can show him/her around?'
10:52:21 <jospoortvliet> and that would be it
10:52:22 <suseROCKs> welcome sir henne
10:52:31 <henne> moin
10:52:36 <jospoortvliet> henne: moin moin
10:52:54 <suseROCKs> i trust everything is okay with you after last week, henne?
10:52:57 <gnokii> I mean what is going on here right now is only creat rules who can become a mentor, sorry I do that job before u created rules
10:53:05 <henne> suseROCKs: yeah. everything in order
10:53:21 <suseROCKs> gnokii,   there were no rules suggested
10:53:46 <suseROCKs> The document that is being proposed is an advisory.  Not a set of rules.
10:53:52 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: I thought we were coming to an agreement that mentors don't have rules
10:54:01 <jospoortvliet> again, you seem to interpret things very different from the rest of us
10:54:28 <gnokii> jospoortvliet: not rules for the mentor!
10:54:52 <gnokii> I saw it very clear "Where can become a mentor" thats the rule I meant
10:55:12 <suseROCKs> henne,   Quick question.    We've got meetbot running atm, which I feel should only be run in quick periods.   Is there a detriment (other than really long logs) to running it for the full collaboration day?
10:55:16 <henne> s/where/who/
10:55:37 <jospoortvliet> we just try and think about how to do this best - give new ppl someone to talk to directly. And ppl wanted to help out so asked 'how to become mentor' so we need to describe that
10:55:39 <henne> suseROCKs: nope. should be fine
10:55:53 <jospoortvliet> - basically, with your plan we let ppl volunteer when a new person comes in
10:56:04 <jospoortvliet> I think I'd rather have a way to contact a possible mentor directly
10:56:07 <jospoortvliet> more chance of working
10:56:09 <jospoortvliet> so have a list
10:56:14 <jospoortvliet> doesn't have to be a mentor list actually
10:56:15 <suseROCKs> ok, henne   thanks.   warlordfff   guess leaving it running all day should be fine
10:56:29 <jospoortvliet> I think @all that our ambassador list (recently cleaned up) could be used
10:56:33 <warlordfff> but someone needs to close it right?
10:56:36 <jospoortvliet> mabe have a 'flag' on ppl who want to be mentor
10:56:48 <warlordfff> yes
10:56:53 <warlordfff> plus
10:57:09 <helen_au> sounds like a good idea re flag
10:57:10 <suseROCKs> jospoortvliet,   Wouldn't the easiest way to seek out a mentor be to send an email to the ambassador ML  "Hi I'd like to be an ambassador and would love some advice"?
10:57:14 <jospoortvliet> and the ambassador welcoming team can then, when someone joins, just pick a mentor close to that person from the list. contact the mentor, you OK with helping this person, and done.
10:57:16 <helen_au> preferred point of contacts
10:57:19 <suseROCKs> except perhaps for language barrier issues
10:57:26 <warlordfff> informations for those who like to be mentors so that they have quick answers to questions
10:57:35 <jospoortvliet> suseROCKs: well part of the problem there is that if you ask on the ML nobody steps up, if you ask a person they say "yeah sure!"
10:57:35 <gnokii> jospoortvliet: is that not a normal thing that the ambassadors in a country gets connected?
10:57:43 <jospoortvliet> so that's why I propose the more listy way :D
10:57:46 <suseROCKs> jospoortvliet,  that's true
10:57:50 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: I would hope so :D
10:58:01 <warlordfff> well
10:58:16 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: usually, at least in NL, and I guess germany, ppl get to know each other, right? meet at conferences and such... so getting a local mentor works better I think
10:58:19 <jospoortvliet> as they can meet
10:58:27 <jospoortvliet> helen_au: yup
10:58:30 <jospoortvliet> something like that
10:58:31 <warlordfff> there are some countries that have only one and new ambassador like Belarus
10:58:45 <warlordfff> someone should help them too
10:58:46 <gnokii> I dont know what the others do, but I look always form my collegues, so on some I know they dont do events and for the new ones I write. And then they telling me when they have questions
10:59:07 <jospoortvliet> warlordfff: so the welcome team can find someone close to that country for example the country next to it... brazil can help Peru.... etc
10:59:27 <warlordfff> I must say that Fedora project have a mentoring system and its working fine
10:59:30 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: sorry that sentence I cannot parse
10:59:34 <gnokii> and I took some new guys with me at events an of course they learned there, so is a naturally thing, no new Title and rules to become that title is really needed
11:00:10 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: yeah it doesn't have to be a big title but just a friend - mentor is a good name for that, point is, we want to make sure every new member has a person to talk to. Doesn't always happen naturally.
11:00:15 <suseROCKs> gnokii,   You keep putting a formality on things that aren't that formal.  Its just mentorship and there's no rules to it.
11:00:18 <jospoortvliet> so we formalize it a little bit
11:00:22 <jospoortvliet> suseROCKs: indeed
11:00:30 <gnokii> jospoortvliet: I mean with saigkill or dl9pf I havent talk about doing an event with me, the others I ask and so we get connected
11:01:12 <suseROCKs> gnokii,   so... put that experience into the document.  Or at least relate it to someone who can write it up for you.
11:01:25 <suseROCKs> let others learn from what you've done and expand upon it
11:01:26 <gnokii> so jospoortvliet u say it self its a natural thing, so why I have to read then "who can be a mentor"
11:01:29 <helen_au> I think it's a good idea to have someone who knows it is their job to mentor new ambassadors. Otherwise it's easy for quiet people to be forgotten and drift off. Having someone call you up and say "how did your event go?" is a great thing.
11:01:44 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: because while it mostly works like you say it doesn't always work smoothly
11:01:58 <warlordfff> it also helps keep things in order
11:02:03 <jospoortvliet> so to fill the gaps we make it a little bit more formal - the welcoming team tries to find a mentor and let him/her talk to the newbie. nothing more
11:02:13 <jospoortvliet> helen_au: exactly
11:02:20 <gnokii> jospoortvliet: and u think, make a sign with "thats a mentor" works better?
11:02:34 <jospoortvliet> let's move on from this topic please, gnokii
11:02:40 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: no
11:02:54 <jospoortvliet> what helps is if a possible mentor gets asked to mentor ppl
11:03:04 <gnokii> yeah think there are more important things as mentors for the ambassadors
11:03:14 <jospoortvliet> the title doesn't make a damn difference, the difference is that someone goes after it
11:03:19 <warlordfff> like?
11:03:20 <jospoortvliet> and now I've had it stop talking about this please
11:03:23 <jospoortvliet> get over it gnokii
11:03:25 <jospoortvliet> darn
11:03:45 <gnokii> so jospoortvliet then maybe u understand a little bit my problem
11:04:13 <helen_au> clearly we all have different ideas about how things can be done
11:04:22 <helen_au> the point right now is to find some general consensus
11:04:27 <suseROCKs> and that's the beauty of collaboration
11:04:33 <warlordfff> yeah
11:04:36 <helen_au> I think most people seem to want some sort of formalization
11:04:39 <gnokii> I feeled me responsible for it and I did it
11:04:40 <jospoortvliet> oh we agree so nicely :D
11:04:50 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: well that's great but not everyone is so responsible sometimes
11:04:57 <jospoortvliet> so that's why we let the team try and find a mentor
11:04:59 <jospoortvliet> ok?
11:05:14 <helen_au> not a big list of rules and to-dos, but at least people identified and tasked with minding newbies
11:05:36 <jospoortvliet> now there are 5 ppl trying to convince you, gnokii, and even if you're not convinced, I frankly don't care much anymore. I say we move on from this and get back to work
11:05:39 <jospoortvliet> this is wasting time
11:05:55 <suseROCKs> guys, we're speding too much time arguing on these points.  We have a nice long laundry list we want to tackle today
11:06:06 <jospoortvliet> ok
11:06:09 <helen_au> ok so what's the next point to look at
11:06:36 <warlordfff> WIKI: Ambassador Portal
11:06:41 <suseROCKs> helen_au,   On the list or in specific to a task you're working on?
11:06:42 <warlordfff> what about that?
11:06:52 <helen_au> on your list for today
11:08:01 <suseROCKs> henne is a stellar speaker.   henne  any possibility you're interested in any of the assignments under "Presenting"?
11:08:10 <helen_au> http://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Ambassadors
11:08:20 <henne> suseROCKs: hm?
11:08:56 <suseROCKs> http://manugupt1.ietherpad.com/os-Collab-Ambassador henne
11:09:03 <warlordfff> helen_au I was asking you opinion about it
11:09:28 <warlordfff> if you think we should add something to it
11:09:37 <helen_au> warlordfff, oh right
11:09:46 <henne> suseROCKs: nope sorry
11:09:52 <henne> suseROCKs: nothing there i could help with
11:09:55 <suseROCKs> warlordfff,   Tbh, I think that wiki section should be dealt with later in the day (unless someone knows of some immediate needs)  until we have gathered up all the new docs and make sure its all organized relevantly
11:10:07 <warlordfff> so that pepople find a larger amount of gathered information
11:10:19 <suseROCKs> henne,   okie dokie
11:10:41 <warlordfff> I am just asking for proposals not actuall work on the wiki today
11:11:07 <helen_au> yep the wiki needs a little work. The piratepad we are looking at can contribute a lot to it
11:11:12 <CarlosRibeiro> jospoortvliet:  do you like to give a special interview for today?
11:11:24 <suseROCKs> ok I'm putting my head back into my work assignment.
11:11:28 <jospoortvliet> CarlosRibeiro: well sure about what?
11:11:30 <helen_au> personally I find wikis a bit of a nightmare so probably won't contribute much to that aspect.
11:11:38 <CarlosRibeiro> jospoortvliet:  http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Ambassadors/oS-Collab-Ambassador#Interview_to_be_sent
11:11:42 <jospoortvliet> btw if anyone is into the Seigo-space-crack, look here: http://i.imgur.com/m498L.png
11:11:54 <jospoortvliet> helen_au: that's fine :D
11:12:19 <CarlosRibeiro> jospoortvliet:  is didn't finish the questions, but think in someting you like to say to the linux magazine
11:12:31 <jospoortvliet> CarlosRibeiro: just send it by mail dude and I  will look at it :D
11:12:42 <jospoortvliet> CarlosRibeiro: having a good day there in sunny brazil?
11:12:44 * jospoortvliet is jealous
11:12:54 <CarlosRibeiro> and in one or two hours we can finish that and sent to the editor
11:14:08 <CarlosRibeiro> yes, today is a sunny day at praia grande, http://bit.ly/gSXWfT
11:16:52 * gnokii launches a snowball against CarlosRibeiro
11:18:01 <CarlosRibeiro> gnokii: :D
11:18:50 <CarlosRibeiro> dammit as we have no snow over here I will launch a fresh bananas crishtmas  at gnokii
11:19:01 <gnokii> aah yeah
11:19:40 <gnokii> CarlosRibeiro: u saw the example?
11:19:55 <gnokii> Izabel was very happy about
11:20:35 <CarlosRibeiro> I talked with izabel yesterday and she told me that are very happy
11:21:39 <gnokii> http://img.susepaste.org/97226284
11:21:40 <CarlosRibeiro> and for everyone, she will came to my house at 26 December and will spend 3 days with me in Praia grande
11:22:14 <warlordfff> ahaaa
11:22:20 <CarlosRibeiro> but don't worries guys, my report about my days with izabel will come before 2011 ;D
11:23:12 * gnokii have to fetch his boat and to rowl over the atlantic to arrive before 26th at Carlos house
11:23:57 <helen_au> lost the piratepad, link please
11:23:57 <gnokii> http://img.susepaste.org/97226284
11:24:06 <gnokii> hoho izabelvalverde
11:24:11 <helen_au> lol were your ears burning izabel?
11:24:12 <CarlosRibeiro> lovelly izabelvalverde
11:24:20 <CarlosRibeiro> you will not die anymore
11:24:23 <CarlosRibeiro> :D
11:25:16 <izabelvalverde> so you guys missed me ? :D
11:25:31 <helen_au> gnokii, the colors are differnet in the lizard for this one
11:25:43 <gnokii> yeah we talked a few seconds before u arrived about u
11:26:03 <gnokii> yeah helen_au its the brazil flag, thats wath I have in mind with
11:26:12 <helen_au> aha
11:26:40 <izabelvalverde> :D
11:26:44 <warlordfff> izabelvalverde  http://manugupt1.ietherpad.com/os-Collab-Ambassador?
11:26:49 <gnokii> but CarlosRibeiro looks not so happy, he say nothing to it
11:26:51 <warlordfff> also welcome
11:26:53 <helen_au> now you say so... "of course"...
11:27:10 <CarlosRibeiro> izabelvalverde: I missed you, too much, because we have tons of taks to be completed today, take a look, http://manugupt1.ietherpad.com/os-Collab-Ambassador?
11:27:34 <jospoortvliet> izabelvalverde: of course we missed you
11:27:36 <jospoortvliet> always...
11:28:15 <izabelvalverde> missed me to work... that's great :D
11:28:35 <gnokii> no missed to keep us away from it :D
11:28:43 <suseROCKs> Good morning izabelvalverde
11:28:48 <CarlosRibeiro> jospoortvliet:  do I touch your drawer?
11:28:59 <CarlosRibeiro> :P
11:29:30 <jospoortvliet> CarlosRibeiro: inbox? not yet, my mail checks not that often :D
11:29:56 <suseROCKs> you guys do realize that "drawer" is slang for "underwear"  right?
11:30:12 <CarlosRibeiro> jospoortvliet: yeah much time here in brazil and you turns to be smarter . cool beans :D
11:30:35 <CarlosRibeiro> suseROCKs:  no . ops!
11:30:53 <helen_au> usually plural like "drawers"
11:31:02 <warlordfff> mmm
11:31:16 <helen_au> suseROCKs, Bryen are you British?
11:31:29 <suseROCKs> helen_au,  no, I'm American
11:32:31 <suseROCKs> but we say drawers (or draws for some heavy-duty slang) here too  :-)
11:32:39 <helen_au> @ all are kids wearing thin rubber/plastic bracelets in your country? (or the thick ones) for fundraisers etc
11:32:57 <suseROCKs> yeah
11:32:58 <helen_au> they are very trendy here. I thought they'd be a great promo item. Expensive to make though.
11:33:24 <helen_au> the very thin ones (about 5mm thick) have become more popular than the big ones.
11:34:20 <suseROCKs> I don't know if they'd appeal to the types of people that go to the conferences (at least around here)
11:34:28 <CarlosRibeiro> jospoortvliet: mail sent
11:34:46 <suseROCKs> here, we see it as most definitely a kiddie thing and I rarely see anyone above very early 20's with one.
11:35:18 <CarlosRibeiro> jospoortvliet:  hurry up to we try to make this happeng and be publish today. ok ?
11:35:27 <jospoortvliet> hehe
11:35:32 <CarlosRibeiro> :D
11:35:44 <jospoortvliet> ok
11:35:54 <helen_au> suseROCKs, think you're right, is mostly kids actually wear them.
11:36:17 <helen_au> my fave marketing thing to get is postit notes for my desk :)
11:37:04 <warlordfff> that's usefull
11:37:14 <gnokii> CarlosRibeiro: wake up
11:37:21 <warlordfff> and I believe it may have results
11:37:35 <warlordfff> plus it's cheap I believe
11:37:38 <helen_au> the most useful things are the ones you hang onto and actually use
11:37:44 <suseROCKs> what I'd love to see is those little foam penguins, except as geekos that Novell gives out.    Those were realllly popular at the OLF and lightweight for travel too.
11:37:53 <helen_au> I had a writer's postit notes from a conference for months, so I still remember her name
11:37:58 <warlordfff> hold that thought for marketing day helen_au
11:38:09 <helen_au> warlordfff, okay :)
11:38:19 <helen_au> so what are we up to with the list of ambassador stuff
11:38:31 <warlordfff> suseROCKs you have penguin and geeko post it?
11:38:42 <suseROCKs> no  foam penguin
11:38:53 <helen_au> squishy?
11:38:53 <warlordfff> oh
11:39:04 <suseROCKs> yeah  kind of squishy.
11:39:22 <warlordfff> helen_au you can put that too
11:39:28 * warlordfff forgot it
11:39:46 <suseROCKs> But I have no idea how much it cost Novell to make those in bulk
11:39:48 <warlordfff> puffy is the word
11:40:06 <warlordfff> I think
11:40:32 <suseROCKs> puffy would be like bloated.  Squishy is more gel-based.  this is actual painted foam
11:40:42 <warlordfff> oh
11:40:43 <warlordfff> ok
11:40:48 <helen_au> hmm.
11:40:55 <warlordfff> I want one
11:41:01 <helen_au> I like soft toys but also 'useful' is good
11:41:07 <helen_au> more likely to hang around
11:41:16 <suseROCKs> unless you have a dog nearby  :-)
11:41:28 <warlordfff> oh
11:41:29 <helen_au> lol
11:41:45 <suseROCKs> anyway back to work....   ping me if you need anything
11:42:29 <helen_au> I need to go shortly too
11:43:00 <suseROCKs> henne,  Do we have a comparison list somewhere of the amount of packages we include out of the box compared to other distros?
11:43:14 <henne> not that i know of no
11:43:24 <henne> distrowatch has something like this
11:43:36 <henne> but i don't know how they track this data
11:43:42 <helen_au> you talking installed or available?
11:43:48 <suseROCKs> installed
11:44:27 <suseROCKs> I'm looking at the beginner user section of our talking points page and thinking its good to point out that we have more items than a certain distro that shall remain nameless for at least a second or two
11:44:35 <helen_au> personally I've never quite 'gotten' that idea, because it's so easy to install new stuff with a click
11:44:54 <helen_au> reviews always make a big deal about it
11:45:02 <suseROCKs> helen_au,  problematic if you don't have internet access  :-)
11:45:19 <helen_au> suseROCKs, ah that's a good point.
11:45:48 <suseROCKs> it was pretty frustrating to me when I was on the road with a fresh ubuntu installation in October and gimp wasn't part of Ubuntu's default
11:46:11 <helen_au> I've seen a question recently about openSUSE networking frustration - the guy couldn't get on the net at all
11:46:18 <suseROCKs> they use some other chopped down light-weight photo editing program instead.  And I was like.. uhhh  yeah right.  i want GIMP!
11:46:34 <helen_au> yeah they dumped gimp a while ago
11:46:39 <helen_au> because it's too much for most users
11:47:10 <CarlosRibeiro> ops I'm back
11:47:13 <suseROCKs> I don't buy that
11:47:39 <helen_au> I don't find it any less intutiive than say corel painter
11:47:51 <suseROCKs> sure its not the easiest program in the world, but when you think that "photoshop" has become such a mainstream word that it actually has become a verb, you don't take gimp (the competitor) out of the equation
11:47:52 <helen_au> not as much as the kiddy ones
11:48:10 <helen_au> but that's ubuntu for your.
11:48:13 <helen_au> for you
11:48:26 <helen_au> not that I'm going to start bagging them :)
11:48:38 <gnokii> so CarlosRibeiro tell me is that ok with the brazilian ppl?
11:48:49 <suseROCKs> no but I want a general statement about how we provide more than others  (who shall remain nameless)  :-)
11:48:56 <helen_au> lolz
11:49:14 <helen_au> I find I don't tend to recommend suse for total noobs
11:49:21 <suseROCKs> and I don't want that statement in there if it can't be backed by numbers or facts
11:49:25 <helen_au> if they are going to be terrified of starting up a terminal
11:49:35 <helen_au> I'll suggest ubuntu or even mint with its one-click driver install.
11:50:01 <helen_au> suseROCKs, good idea, someone will always call you on it....
11:50:01 <CarlosRibeiro> gnokii:  no problem with us
11:50:26 <suseROCKs> frankly, I think that's just a gimmick on their part.  I found myself so much more frustrated and had huge hardware problems when I used ubuntu last month.   I was so glad to be back to a sane distro
11:50:48 <helen_au> yeah their network driver is bonkers
11:51:00 <suseROCKs> so was their partitioning methods!
11:51:05 <helen_au> but still... I think we forget how hopeless some users are
11:51:20 <helen_au> bless 'em.
11:51:22 <helen_au> ")
11:52:14 <helen_au> well it's bedtime here in Australia so I'm heading off,
11:52:30 <helen_au> hope you folks have a productive day :)
11:52:38 * helen_au waves at Manu on the way through the door
11:52:47 <manugupt1> Good evening everyone
11:52:54 <manugupt1> Good night heln
11:53:29 <CarlosRibeiro> hello manugupt1
11:53:35 <manugupt1> Hi CarlosRibeiro :)
11:53:37 <CarlosRibeiro> nice to have you here
11:54:22 <warlordfff> hey manugupt1
11:54:29 <manugupt1> Hi warlordfff
11:54:53 <warlordfff> finally you made it?
11:55:20 <suseROCKs> hi manugupt1
11:55:27 <manugupt1> I took an exam right now.. I will sit here for a while
11:55:31 <manugupt1> suseROCKs, moin
11:55:35 <warlordfff> I really appreciate this
11:56:00 <suseROCKs> hope you passed, manugupt1
11:56:01 <warlordfff> how it went the exam?
11:56:04 <CarlosRibeiro> me too
11:56:25 <manugupt1> Yes.. It was ok.. not that good.. not that bad :)
11:57:23 <warlordfff> not that bad is good
11:57:27 <warlordfff> ;-)
11:58:30 <suseROCKs> hey are we shipping LibreOffice with 11.4 or still the Go-OO version?
11:58:45 <manugupt1> suseROCKs, LibreOffice
11:58:59 <manugupt1> Its in the 4th Milestone afaik
11:59:27 <suseROCKs> ok
12:01:51 <manugupt1> Now I have a few questions..
12:02:13 <manugupt1> Booth Design and Booth Organisation do we have any points for that
12:02:36 <manugupt1> Or only this http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Events
12:03:48 <warlordfff> you can add your ideas
12:04:11 <manugupt1> Yes.. But What I would like now is to have a new page for booth separately
12:04:31 <manugupt1> using these points at etherpad
12:04:32 <manugupt1> B) Booth Design
12:04:32 <manugupt1> 1) Materials List
12:04:32 <manugupt1> 1.a) Materials you can request from Novell
12:04:32 <manugupt1> 1.b) Materials you can download
12:04:35 <warlordfff> no there is no such need to do that I think
12:04:40 <manugupt1> 2) Checklist (What you should always remember to bring with you at every event)
12:04:41 <manugupt1> -- E.g. tape, scissors, DVDs, etc.
12:04:43 <manugupt1> 3) Common Booth layouts
12:04:45 <manugupt1> 3.a) Suggestions for typical booth with rectangular table
12:04:48 <manugupt1> 3.b) Suggestions for typical booth with round table
12:04:50 <manugupt1> Booth Things: http://bit.ly/hg6vWH
12:04:52 <manugupt1> Tux Paper: http://bit.ly/e68wct
12:04:54 <manugupt1> Cube Cheat: http://bit.ly/f3Ae0x and http://bit.ly/dOdZHc
12:04:55 <manugupt1> FLyers:
12:04:57 <manugupt1> Cheat sheets:
12:05:00 <manugupt1> C) Booth Organization
12:05:01 <manugupt1> 1) Contacting an event to request booth space
12:05:03 <manugupt1> 2) Promoting your event - PR and announcements
12:05:07 <manugupt1> 3) Coordinating volunteers to staff the booth
12:05:09 <manugupt1> 4) Talking Points
12:05:11 <manugupt1> 5) Tips for good interactions
12:05:13 <warlordfff> sorry I don't get you
12:05:13 <manugupt1> For booth
12:05:16 <manugupt1> So that one job is documented in the wiki
12:05:18 <manugupt1> what do you say>?
12:06:04 <warlordfff> sorry I don't get you
12:06:08 <manugupt1> I am saying we already have a nice list on what to work upon
12:06:13 <warlordfff> oh
12:06:17 <CarlosRibeiro> me neigther
12:06:23 <javier__> Have youg guys thought of targeting local communities more effectively by having/improving translations (distribution, help.o.o, wiki, etc)?
12:06:24 <manugupt1> ie booth design and booth organisation
12:06:38 <warlordfff> we are asking if there are any new thing someone needs to add
12:06:44 <CarlosRibeiro> javier yes
12:06:57 <warlordfff> javier__ I do that
12:07:02 <manugupt1> warlordfff, I am saying let it not stale in etherpad ;)
12:07:24 <CarlosRibeiro> javier__: this is one of the listed tasks iver http://manugupt1.ietherpad.com/os-Collab-Ambassador?
12:08:04 <warlordfff> oh no we shall pass it in the next few days
12:08:10 <warlordfff> on the wiki
12:08:15 <suseROCKs> any statistics to the number of languages supported in openSUSE?
12:08:16 <warlordfff> now I got you
12:08:33 <warlordfff> no
12:08:35 <javier__> warlordfff: I know :) perhaps we should make a list of what should be localised (ideally)?
12:08:36 <CarlosRibeiro> manugupt1:  I preparing a page to be updated and sent to all later, take a look, http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Ambassadors/oS-Collab-Ambassador
12:08:58 <warlordfff> oh
12:09:07 <javier__> suseROCKs: http://www.vertaal.com.ar/
12:09:16 <warlordfff> documentation for current version is a must do
12:09:44 <manugupt1> Ok.. I will be back in a while
12:10:55 <warlordfff> javier__ you might need to explain to me http://www.vertaal.com.ar/ later
12:10:56 <suseROCKs> javier__,   So which one to I click on to get the number of supported translations?
12:11:32 <warlordfff> how it works so that I can register the Greek work
12:12:18 <javier__> suseROCKs: http://www.vertaal.com.ar/releases/factory/ (it's at the bottom, where it says openSUSE)
12:13:15 <javier__> vertaal is used for translating the distribution and guides as well
12:13:22 <CarlosRibeiro> jospoortvliet: did you see my mail about vibe?
12:13:32 <javier__> help.o.o is translated in a different way (plain html)
12:15:44 <suseROCKs> javier__,  that one only shows 12 languages.  I just counted 58 in yast.  So I'll use that as my base number  :-D
12:16:04 <manugupt1> suseROCKs, Dont..
12:16:14 <warlordfff> javier__ tommorow you may explain to me how it works?
12:16:20 <manugupt1> They are not fully internationalised there are 58 languages..
12:16:24 <javier__> warlordfff: sure
12:16:37 <javier__> manugupt1: indeed.
12:17:08 <suseROCKs> manugupt1,   explain
12:17:21 <manugupt1> suseROCKs, I speak hindi
12:17:35 <suseROCKs> und?
12:17:49 <manugupt1> So when I use openSUSE in Hindi only about 10% of openSUSE is hindi maybe even less
12:18:08 <suseROCKs> ahh  that's problematic indeed
12:18:15 <henne> suseROCKs: i18n.opensuse.org
12:18:48 <suseROCKs> so that means I can't say on our talking points  "openSUSE boasts support of nearly 60 languages" then
12:19:20 <javier__> yepp :(
12:19:24 <manugupt1> Exactly.. you cannot but you can always say 12 languages which is again not supported by lots of other distros
12:19:24 <warlordfff> for Yast in Greek I know we made almost 75 of the translation but we hope to reach 100% until 11.4
12:19:59 <javier__> vertaal is a tool, and not all languages are there
12:20:05 <javier__> it's optional to use it
12:20:23 <javier__> ie: Greek with almost 76%
12:20:39 <CarlosRibeiro> javier__: wow, thanks for share this info
12:21:06 <suseROCKs> henne,   hmm  that link doesn't show 11.3 stats.  only up to 11.2 and trunk.
12:21:08 <javier__> you're welcome
12:21:26 <henne> suseROCKs: might be outdated. find out :)
12:22:06 <manugupt1> Ok.. What all things can we request from NOVELL
12:22:08 <CarlosRibeiro> javier__: I need to send a congratulations mail to the brazilian translations team. AWESOME
12:22:20 <javier__> :-)
12:22:22 <manugupt1> DVDs
12:22:26 <manugupt1> T Shirts
12:22:27 <javier__> yes, it's very active
12:22:28 <manugupt1> Geekos
12:22:41 <manugupt1> And anyting else suseROCKs henne AJaeger
12:23:09 <henne> project flyers
12:23:17 <javier__> btw, what about lizards?
12:23:43 <suseROCKs> manugupt1,   Stickers.  And lots of them
12:23:45 <manugupt1> This is my list as of now anything more to be added
12:23:46 <manugupt1> * Promo DVDs
12:23:46 <manugupt1> * Geekos
12:23:46 <manugupt1> * T Shirts
12:23:46 <manugupt1> * Laptop Stickers
12:24:12 <javier__> bookmarks? :D
12:24:40 <javier__> and the other piece of paper with info... what is it called?
12:24:51 <suseROCKs> brochure?
12:25:01 <javier__> yes
12:25:06 <warlordfff> money? :D
12:25:09 <warlordfff> oh
12:25:10 <javier__> xD
12:25:17 <javier__> yeah, that's the thing
12:25:25 <warlordfff> hahaha
12:25:29 <henne> is this a list what you possibly want or what we have in stock?
12:25:30 <javier__> openSUSE pens would be nice too
12:25:34 <CarlosRibeiro> I find a company here in brazil that could make this for 5 US$ each, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/geekoplush-300x225.jpg
12:25:35 <henne> we == novell
12:25:39 <manugupt1> henne, possibly want
12:25:50 <manugupt1> and usually remains in stock
12:26:24 <suseROCKs> manugupt1,   It can be also things you want added to the stock.  But do the homework first to determine costs before proposing
12:26:37 <henne> i can tell you whats in stock. i manage it...
12:26:45 <manugupt1> henne, I would like that
12:26:55 <CarlosRibeiro> henne: me too ;)
12:26:56 <suseROCKs> CarlosRibeiro,   i think $5 is alot of money for the geekos.  I'm sure they're less than that in bulk.
12:27:13 <henne> manage it == clean the room regularly
12:27:18 <warlordfff> btw CarlosRibeiro I will print out some Geeko money for the next event I have on Sunday
12:27:45 <manugupt1> suseROCKs, These stuff in my opinion as of now are more than enough.. I am making a wiki page on how to do a booth
12:27:48 <CarlosRibeiro> suseROCKs: wonderfull, and about the cost to send some to brazil.
12:27:54 <manugupt1> since all are here its easier to get info
12:28:49 <warlordfff> CarlosRibeiro can you create a pdf full of Geeko money ready to print?
12:29:10 <CarlosRibeiro> we need to calculate this cost too
12:29:22 * suseROCKs wants to see warlordfff take it to the currency exchange to turn into Euros
12:29:30 <warlordfff> ahaha
12:29:30 <CarlosRibeiro> sure I can
12:29:49 <warlordfff> I can propably make a video trying too....
12:29:55 <CarlosRibeiro> which page size do you like to have to be fullfill with money geeko?
12:30:07 <warlordfff> CarlosRibeiro A4
12:30:12 <warlordfff> and A3
12:30:21 <suseROCKs> so that's now A7?
12:30:36 <warlordfff> please do and send it one of those days please
12:30:46 <CarlosRibeiro> yes, this is anther thing that we need to finsih today? A step-by-step to help new ambassadors to record their "I'm an openSUSE Ambassador" video
12:30:57 <warlordfff> oh
12:31:03 <warlordfff> Stathis will kill me
12:31:26 <warlordfff> I have those videos almost a moth an still haven't send them
12:31:31 <CarlosRibeiro> warlordfff: hold on please, this willl be easy
12:31:41 <warlordfff> ok
12:32:31 <manugupt1> CarlosRibeiro, The origami and cubes you made do you have them full res pics
12:32:31 <gnokii> henne there exists some flyer mocks, but always the same dont put me under pressure
12:32:44 <henne> gnokii: what?
12:33:22 <CarlosRibeiro> warlordfff:  do you know that Geeko Money have jos signature?
12:33:24 <manugupt1> Or do you know where can I find them at the wiki
12:33:31 <gnokii> I make with the same motifes like I do right now flyers http://karl-tux-stadt.de/tmp/Dokument-1.pdf
12:33:32 <warlordfff> no
12:33:38 <warlordfff> I don't
12:33:50 <warlordfff> CarlosRibeiro really?
12:33:53 <henne> gnokii: do what you have to do. i was talking about what we have in stock
12:35:47 <CarlosRibeiro> gnokii: very nice
12:35:53 <henne> and we have project flyers in stock...
12:36:09 <warlordfff> CarlosRibeiro I gave some children the Brazzilian Penguin you send me the other day
12:36:14 <CarlosRibeiro> I'm thinking about create some kiwi soaps to give toguether with this flyer
12:36:15 <warlordfff> they loved it
12:36:49 <gnokii> henne:  I know that they rlihm some months ago did
12:37:35 <henne> gnokii: yes and we also have simple A4  ones
12:37:42 <CarlosRibeiro> warlordfff: cool beans, now that kid will grow up knowing that brazil have more than carnaval, soccer and beautiful ladies
12:37:46 <CarlosRibeiro> warlordfff:  thanks ;)
12:38:04 <gnokii> henne yes I saw that ugly thing at froscon noone took one
12:38:10 <warlordfff> hahaha
12:38:38 <henne> gnokii: whatever
12:39:37 <gnokii> henne, I make first the motifes, marketing have to make the text, then I can make the flyer motifes for self printing and so on
12:40:15 <henne> gnokii: like i said. do what you have to do. its not about what you are doing its about what we have in stock. understood?
12:40:59 <gnokii> of course I said I have understand this
12:41:56 <henne> okay :)
12:42:17 <gnokii> I only like to make sure that noone came up with creating something for me ;)
12:42:55 <javier__> hmm, where's the localising section (or subsection) in http://manugupt1.ietherpad.com/os-Collab-Ambassador?
12:43:15 <javier__> wiki
12:43:36 <javier__> it seems it only talks about translating the wiki
12:43:51 <gnokii> javier__: where is ur tumbleweed logo? have the idea for it
12:44:09 <javier__> gnokii: the idea I showed you?
12:44:22 <gnokii> yes
12:45:17 <warlordfff> javier__ bad choise of words I made
12:45:36 <warlordfff> I will change it now
12:46:46 <warlordfff> even better I created one new
12:47:02 <warlordfff> javier__ are you covered?
12:47:07 <javier__> gnokii: www.javierllorente.com/tmp/tumbleweed.svg
12:47:43 <javier__> warlordfff: what do you mean?
12:47:57 <warlordfff> your question
12:48:14 <warlordfff> about your question on localisation
12:48:43 <warlordfff> I made some changes
12:49:13 <javier__> ah ok
12:49:23 <manugupt1> javier__, object not found
12:49:29 <manugupt1> the link is broken
12:50:01 <javier__> manugupt1: the tumbleweed link? that one works here
12:50:44 <manugupt1> javier__, Yes it now.. chromium added a slash at the end of it and I did not notice it
12:50:45 <javier__> warlordfff: a list of translatable things should be there (it doesn't necesseraly mean that everything has to be translated from day on, but little by little you know)
12:51:24 <javier__> manugupt1: google chromium is very smart :P
12:51:44 <manugupt1> javier__, too smart for its own good ;)
12:51:50 <javier__> :)
12:51:50 <warlordfff> javier__ ok add the ones you thing is important
12:52:08 <warlordfff> and others shall do it too
12:52:19 <warlordfff> make the start
12:52:40 <manugupt1> http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Organising_a_booth
12:52:43 <javier__> ok
12:52:46 <manugupt1> Have a look at this
12:53:17 <manugupt1> javier__, between nice and sleek logo..
12:53:30 <manugupt1> Can anyone review my previous link
12:54:00 <manugupt1> henne, can you check the items which we can ask from novell
12:54:37 <henne> will do
12:54:38 <javier__> cheatsheets in english only?
12:54:41 <javier__> hmm..
12:55:12 <javier__> warlordfff: I think localisation needs a section of its own
12:55:34 <warlordfff> ok
12:55:37 <AJaeger> manugupt1: The list looks fine to me.  Let's add the promodvds@opensuse.org email address
12:55:44 <warlordfff> I'll do that right away
12:56:24 <gnugr> hey warlordfff
12:57:05 * suseROCKs fights to stay awake....
12:57:10 <warlordfff> hey gnugr
12:57:39 <gnugr> !ola kala?
12:57:46 <warlordfff> cool
12:57:54 <warlordfff> write in Englis please
12:57:59 <warlordfff> write in English please
12:58:12 <gnugr> learning
12:58:21 <manugupt1> suseROCKs, Its morning for you now..
12:58:26 <manugupt1> didnt you sleep
12:58:37 <suseROCKs> manugupt1,   nosiree bob!
12:59:35 * manugupt1 wondering if suseROCKs has turned into a nocturnal creature
13:00:18 * warlordfff turned suseROCKs to a children of the night
13:01:00 * suseROCKs sings  "Children! Children of the moooooon!  Watch the world go byyyyyyyyyy!"
13:01:20 <suseROCKs> jospoortvliet is extremely glad I sing textually rather than vocally
13:01:58 <warlordfff> hahaha
13:02:01 <suseROCKs> AJaeger too!
13:02:03 <warlordfff> I am too
13:02:51 <manugupt1> suseROCKs, A favour http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Organising_a_booth, please check it do some wordsmithing
13:03:11 <manugupt1> and then I think we will be done with Section B and Section C
13:03:17 <gnugr> good is we've no voice in here
13:03:45 <javier__> oh someone has started a translation of the quick guide into Macedonian
13:03:46 <suseROCKs> gnugr,   actually we have a thousand voices in here.  That's the beauty of it.  :-)
13:03:47 <javier__> nice
13:03:58 <gnokii2> mr. jospoortvliet can u plz put in the "booth howto" its funny that others write that again
13:04:12 <gnugr> ment vocalls
13:04:29 <manugupt1> gnokii2, Do you have a copy of that
13:04:51 <gnokii2> yeah should I have but have to search at the backup for it
13:05:18 <manugupt1> Please then can you send it to me :) We can merge two of them
13:05:54 <gnugr> Makedonian? whats this?
13:06:05 <warlordfff> where?
13:06:21 <suseROCKs> manugupt1,   I'm looking at you rpage now
13:06:51 <warlordfff> #chair suseROCKs
13:06:51 <bugbot> Current chairs: suseROCKs warlordfff
13:07:16 <warlordfff> #chair CarlosRibeiro
13:07:16 <bugbot> Current chairs: CarlosRibeiro suseROCKs warlordfff
13:07:33 <warlordfff> #chair jospoortvliet
13:07:33 <bugbot> Current chairs: CarlosRibeiro jospoortvliet suseROCKs warlordfff
13:11:30 <manugupt1> warlordfff, I think jimmy pierre already answered his questions
13:11:42 <warlordfff> oh
13:11:59 <javier__> warlordfff: gnugr http://www.vertaal.com.ar/releases/trunk/
13:12:20 <javier__> there's a lot of to be done in regards to having the openSUSE guides translated
13:12:28 <manugupt1> > President of NUI - FR (Since 2OO1), member of Chartered Management
13:12:29 <manugupt1> > Institute, Institute of Directors and a handful of professional related
13:12:29 <manugupt1> > groups.
13:12:29 <manugupt1> >
13:12:29 <manugupt1> > I started Linux with Red Hat in 1993 and discovered SUSE Linux which was on
13:12:31 <manugupt1> > special offer at a local computer store. I still have the cd and adopted
13:12:33 <manugupt1> > immediately SUSE. When openSUSE showed up un 2004, my user group (nui.fr)
13:12:37 <manugupt1> > immediately started the buzz. We run regular events Nationwide including
13:12:37 <warlordfff> manugupt1 no he didnt
13:12:39 <manugupt1> > Solutions Linux and RMLL as well as localized ones. We have had 271457
13:12:41 <manugupt1> > visits since we made our photos public.
13:12:43 <manugupt1> >
13:12:45 <manugupt1> > We held Install parties in the past and found that to be counterproductive,
13:12:47 <manugupt1> > because people see us as their first level support and this is not our
13:12:49 <manugupt1> > philosophy. We have partners who deal with forums et al and we promote
13:12:51 <manugupt1> > each other activities of course.
13:12:53 <manugupt1> >
13:12:55 <manugupt1> > At the events, we have 95% of the boxes running openSUSE and the remaining
13:12:57 <manugupt1> > SUSE Linux because we have a population of professionals and we hate to
13:12:59 <manugupt1> > tell them that we need to launch an installation to demonstrate
13:13:01 <manugupt1> > SLED/SLES. We are partners with Rouen Wireless part of France Wireless and
13:13:02 <warlordfff> dont put that here man
13:13:03 <manugupt1> > this way we have Wi-Fi because openSUSE without Internet is not something
13:13:06 <javier__> yeah
13:13:07 <manugupt1> > to imagine.
13:13:09 <manugupt1> >
13:13:11 <manugupt1> > I am quite discreet and a check is somehow visible:
13:13:12 <javier__> !paste
13:13:12 <SUSEhelp> Please don't paste more than 3 lines in the channel; instead, use one of http://paste.opensuse.org/ , http://pastebin.com or http://pastie.org/ -- for pics, use http://picpaste.com
13:13:13 <manugupt1> > http://www.google.fr/search?q=opensuse+Jimmy+pierre&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl
13:13:15 <manugupt1> >
13:13:16 <AJaeger> manugupt1: Do you really want to paste all of this here now?
13:13:17 <manugupt1> > My actions on FOSS:
13:13:19 <manugupt1> >
13:13:21 <manugupt1> > http://www.google.fr/search?q=nui+journ�du+logiciel+libre&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF
13:13:23 <manugupt1> > -8&hl=en-gb
13:13:25 <manugupt1> >
13:13:27 <manugupt1> > What I do in parallel is promote openSUSE from the inside. I have been
13:13:29 <manugupt1> > doing this since 2004 in major Corporates like Groupe La Poste, EADS,
13:13:31 <manugupt1> > Soci� G�rale, BNP Paribas, France Telecom, Cegetel, inter-alia. My
13:13:33 <manugupt1> > nickname seems to become Mr SUSE/mr openSUSE.
13:13:35 <gnokii> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh
13:13:37 <manugupt1> >
13:13:39 <manugupt1> > There are numerous apparitions in the press in France and in the UK,
13:13:39 <javier__> hahahah
13:13:41 <manugupt1> > Belgium and on the radio as well.
13:13:41 <gnugr> stop flooding please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13:13:43 <manugupt1> >
13:13:45 <manugupt1> > I believe that I am practically covering Europe. In 2008, I attempted
13:13:47 <manugupt1> > something in Madrid, b
13:13:49 <manugupt1> I am sorry for spamming
13:13:51 <manugupt1> No.. I am sorry.. AJaeger
13:13:53 <manugupt1> I did not mean to.
13:13:55 <manugupt1> gnokii, Sorry
13:13:57 <manugupt1> Wrong window
13:14:08 * AJaeger guesses that manugupt1pastes everything by accident and couldn't stop it - as usual...
13:14:17 <javier__> !paste @ manugupt1 :-P
13:14:18 <SUSEhelp> manugupt1: Please don't paste more than 3 lines in the channel; instead, use one of http://paste.opensuse.org/ , http://pastebin.com or http://pastie.org/ -- for pics, use http://picpaste.com
13:14:38 <javier__> konversation warns you about pasting more than two lines by default
13:14:41 <javier__> which is nice
13:14:52 <manugupt1> I use xchat
13:14:57 <warlordfff> javier__ we are Greek Macedonians
13:15:17 <javier__> warlordfff: ah, interesting
13:15:43 <javier__> warlordfff: you mean from the Macedonia region in Greece, no?
13:15:51 <warlordfff> yes that
13:16:09 <javier__> I heard that Greece doesn't want to have the FYRM to be called Macedonia
13:16:19 <warlordfff> Yes
13:16:40 <javier__> do you have links with FYRM?
13:16:40 <warlordfff> but this is politcs so let just put that aside
13:16:51 <javier__> sure :)
13:16:52 <warlordfff> personally?
13:16:57 <warlordfff> nevermind
13:17:10 <javier__> I meant strong historical links
13:17:21 <gnugr> FYROM not macedonia is right
13:18:21 <warlordfff> No politics here please
13:18:43 <suseROCKs> manugupt1,   ping
13:18:48 <javier__> ok
13:18:51 <manugupt1> suseROCKs, Yes..
13:19:05 <suseROCKs> manugupt1,   so far looking good.  I made some changes  but not done yet.  You can see them.
13:19:15 <manugupt1> Yes.. saw them
13:19:27 <suseROCKs> manugupt1,  as for checklist,  I would recommend a more detailed list that is printed out.  Not just a quick list here.
13:20:00 <suseROCKs> Some people, in rush of leaving town, tend to forget their items and they're not going to go back to the computer to look it up.   Printing out and pplacing on top of suitcase will help a lot
13:20:08 <manugupt1> Got it..
13:20:27 <manugupt1> Ok.. Check the checklist
13:20:34 <manugupt1> Then I will make a pdf
13:20:36 <suseROCKs> so maybe for now, create it on etherpad and then solicit comments from people
13:21:06 <manugupt1> Ok..
13:21:13 <javier__> where are the slides?
13:21:17 <javier__> can't find them
13:21:18 <suseROCKs> I know jospoortvliet had some ideas as well for a checklist, and I'm sure we all have famous stories of our own of something that vexed us :-)
13:21:55 <javier__> ah, here http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Presentations
13:22:31 <suseROCKs> manugupt1,   I think its also worth pointing out organization of booth staff.
13:22:51 <manugupt1> suseROCKs, No idea about that never did a booth
13:22:56 <suseROCKs> For example, making sure that everyone agrees what time they will be at the booth.
13:23:23 <suseROCKs> or everyone will be there all at once, or no one will be there at all cuz they're all at some presentation
13:24:31 <manugupt1> Ok.. and
13:24:39 <gnokii> manugupt1: thats funny
13:24:48 <manugupt1> gnokii, what?
13:24:59 <gnokii> [14:33] <manugupt1> suseROCKs, No idea about that never did a booth
13:25:08 <suseROCKs> manugupt1,   also part of organization, how to reach out to your local community to get volunteers to staff the booth
13:25:21 <manugupt1> gnokii, I never did a booth.. whats funny about it
13:25:50 <gnokii> I have to try things before I can write an tutorial ;)
13:26:01 <suseROCKs> gnokii,   Try not to put people down.  He volunteered to start the page,  and he's soliciting opinions and experiences from others to add to it.
13:26:13 <suseROCKs> He's not writing a tutorial.  he's starting a page.
13:26:23 <suseROCKs> Please don't twist things around.
13:26:34 <manugupt1> Yes.. gnokii same here.. I just added what others have done..
13:26:35 <gnokii> suseROCKs: jospoortvliet has since months such a tutorial, somethimes is better to ask
13:26:51 <suseROCKs> and that's what he's doing.  he's asking!
13:27:18 <manugupt1> gnokii, Did not know about it
13:27:40 <jospoortvliet> oh noticed this - http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Launch_party_HOWTO
13:27:50 <suseROCKs> saying nicely "Hey  did you know there's a page already in existence" is a lot more productive than bashing people.   You get nowhere fast that way.
13:28:15 <jospoortvliet> wrong link
13:28:17 <jospoortvliet> http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Events#Booth
13:28:35 <manugupt1> jospoortvliet, I just consolidated them..
13:28:39 <AJaeger> jospoortvliet: That one should link to the new page...
13:29:58 <jospoortvliet> manugupt1: good!
13:30:15 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: yes it is more helpful to just point to the page
13:30:18 <jospoortvliet> and get it merged
13:30:21 <jospoortvliet> instead of talking around it
13:30:50 <gnokii> jospoortvliet: I dont know where it is exactly!!! I can only say its there
13:31:01 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: I didn't know where it was but that's what search is for, right?
13:31:10 <jospoortvliet> thought you were all about doing the work instead of talking?
13:31:11 <suseROCKs> even saying "I know there's a page already, but not sure what the link is" is helpful too.
13:31:16 <jospoortvliet> suseROCKs: true
13:31:51 <gnokii> jospoortvliet: sorry but there are ppl they are not employed from novell and have sometimes to work, and they are not the only one who spent the night working!
13:32:18 <suseROCKs> what does that have to do with what manugupt1 did and why you called him funny?
13:32:59 <suseROCKs> anyway, jospoortvliet ...  I'm still going thru the talking points.  Some of the questions you have there  don't really allow for a "feel-good answer" and require some frankness imo.   What's your take on that?
13:33:10 <jospoortvliet> suseROCKs: we should be honest...
13:33:28 <jospoortvliet> and you're right, yes, there are some less nice things. But they are questions that get asked (most q's come from the ambassadors)
13:33:41 <suseROCKs> honest yes,  but I'm saying is how to frame them.
13:34:30 <terrorpup> Guys, my laptop is dead, I had the how to set up the booth on it, I will be tuesday before it will get fix.
13:34:42 <suseROCKs> we can put a positive spin on everything.  We can say for driver issues  "Hey its not our fault, its tthose damn proprietary manufuacturers not playing fair."  Its kinda the truth but not a helpful answer  :-)
13:34:57 <jospoortvliet> true
13:35:04 <jospoortvliet> well I guess it depends a bit on the subject
13:35:11 <jospoortvliet> can you give me an example? (looking at the page now)
13:35:28 <suseROCKs> I think the drivers issue is a good example
13:35:37 <suseROCKs> under beginners section I believe
13:35:47 <manugupt1> jospoortvliet, Mint has multimedia links why does not openSUSE give it
13:35:58 <manugupt1> jospoortvliet, UBUNTU comes with flash why not openSUSE
13:36:05 <manugupt1> are few very good examples
13:36:31 <jospoortvliet> ok so about the hardware part
13:36:38 <jospoortvliet> I think the current text is good suseROCKs
13:36:40 <suseROCKs> and some of these questions, we need to ask the right "decision-makers" in the Project instead of looking for positive spins on everything.  :-)
13:36:42 <manugupt1> Broadcom drivers for some reason are installble easily on UBUNTU / debian based staion but why not openSUSE
13:36:49 <jospoortvliet> maybe add that later versions always add a lot new hardware support
13:36:51 <gnokii> because Mint is a project and only a project and there is no company behind who cant be  comf before the court for that
13:36:52 <terrorpup> because of the media restrictions that are place by the US
13:36:58 <jospoortvliet> and there are ways of working around things but they are often complicated
13:37:00 <jospoortvliet> and more for experts
13:37:06 <jospoortvliet> of course openSUSE does offer those as options
13:37:15 <jospoortvliet> suseROCKs: true
13:37:21 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: terrorpup: yup
13:37:25 <jospoortvliet> those are the issues
13:37:41 <gnokii> jospoortvliet: can we make the Q/A section easier?
13:37:44 <gnokii> its simple
13:37:48 <suseROCKs> the non-company line isn't good either, because all that does is tell the user, if you really want to get away with it, go somewhere that's completely unsponsored.
13:37:50 <terrorpup> that why there a whole page on open page on opensuse-community that explain it.
13:37:56 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: where is that?
13:37:59 <manugupt1> gnokii, terrorpup exactly but they do not get it ;)
13:38:21 <jospoortvliet> manugupt1: terrorpup suseROCKs we could just link to the opensuse-community page
13:38:26 <jospoortvliet> at some point there is not more we can do
13:38:32 <jospoortvliet> it's USA legal stuff, nobody likes it...
13:38:47 <suseROCKs> that's reasonable too
13:38:47 <terrorpup> plus, Novell charges for the box version that has license media codecs and I think drive for some hardware
13:38:50 <gnokii> what we do now, is a little bit stupid let me explain
13:38:54 <manugupt1> jospoortvliet, I dont know.. But can we have a first time installer too
13:39:06 <jospoortvliet> manugupt1: what?
13:39:18 <jospoortvliet> terrorpup: novell doesn't have a box version of openSUSE
13:39:24 <jospoortvliet> the box version of openSUSE is sold by openSLX
13:39:24 <suseROCKs> manugupt1,  a "first time installer" isn't as likely to ask the codecs question though.
13:39:28 <jospoortvliet> doesn't have codecs
13:39:36 <jospoortvliet> (they want to but it's expensive - very expensive)
13:39:47 <manugupt1> Like I install openSUSE for the first time, then I have this installer at my desktop
13:39:54 <manugupt1> this installer is a .ymp file
13:39:58 <jospoortvliet> manugupt1: which installs the codecs etc>?
13:40:00 <jospoortvliet> illegal...
13:40:12 <manugupt1> Ok..
13:40:20 <jospoortvliet> basically nothing which runs on Novell infrastructure can even REFER to illegal things (from USA perspective)
13:40:33 <jospoortvliet> so even the wiki, as long as it's run in USA, can not point to it
13:40:34 <jospoortvliet> ...
13:40:40 <terrorpup> jospoortvliet, http://en.opensuse.org/Buy_openSUSE
13:40:41 <jospoortvliet> I know, frustrating
13:40:47 <manugupt1> Yes..
13:40:48 <suseROCKs> well, we can't spend the time today discussing what *should* be done about those issues.  Our focus today is how to effectively respond to questioners without making them run elsewhere  :-)
13:40:49 <gnokii> where is the problem manugupt there exist a thing call 1-Click collection at suse-community, there u can a installer for all codecs and stuff
13:40:53 <terrorpup> The boxed version of openSUSE may be the best choice. You will get complete user manual, install DVD biarch media for just plug in your DVD drive and the software on the DVD recognizes automatically x86 and x86 64-bit systems. All of this comes with 90 days of end-user installation support via email or phone. The openSUSE 11.3 Box is delivered with balsam extensions - a second bootable openSUSE Live DVD. This DVD includes a spe
13:40:53 <terrorpup> cial plasma-netbook image giving you an outlook of the next generation of netbook interfaces
13:41:22 <jospoortvliet> terrorpup: so what is your point? no codecs there :D
13:41:44 <jospoortvliet> just german badly translated to english :D
13:41:44 * javier__ is wondering if having a server in Europe would change the situation
13:41:48 <jospoortvliet> javier__: yes it would
13:41:51 <terrorpup> They use to point out that it had the media codecs
13:41:53 <manugupt1> !mp3 @ jospoortvliet
13:41:53 <SUSEhelp> jospoortvliet: For multimedia and other restricted format (MP3,Encrypted DVD, DiVX,etc) issues, see http://opensuse-community.org/Restricted_Formats
13:41:55 <jospoortvliet> and maybe in the future it will be possible
13:41:55 <suseROCKs> gnokii,   Actually it still misses a few things.  But even so,  if the newcomer doesn't know about it, how does the newcomer know to go to oS-C?
13:42:09 <gnokii> what is missed there?
13:42:17 <jospoortvliet> suseROCKs: we can tell the ambassadors to help users go there, yes
13:42:19 <AJaeger> jospoortvliet: I doubt a server in Europe would help - it's the question who owns it.
13:42:21 <manugupt1> So can this be cited as illegal too
13:42:22 <jospoortvliet> at least I think so
13:42:24 <jospoortvliet> AJaeger: sure
13:42:30 <jospoortvliet> but that can change with a foundation in Europe :D
13:42:32 <gnokii> AJaeger: +1
13:42:39 <javier__> jospoortvliet: :D
13:42:53 <jospoortvliet> if the foundation would be EU based, and own the server - problem solved... it's how packman works, right?
13:43:22 <suseROCKs> jospoortvliet,  yes
13:43:24 <suseROCKs> and no
13:44:20 <suseROCKs> to make it happen in a more fluid way, you'd have to disengage openSUSE completely (trademark-wise) from the US-based company and let the Foundation own it.
13:44:34 <warlordfff> jospoortvliet one day you may give me more explanations about the server issue,I have something in my mind about that
13:44:37 <suseROCKs> Otherwise, we're dong just the same thing we're doing now and still not really easily able to connect the dots for the user.
13:45:09 <terrorpup> manugupt1: For ppl that are beginning I refer them to this link because it example how to use up most things
13:45:10 <terrorpup> http://opensuse-guide.org/acquisition.php
13:45:13 <CarlosRibeiro> warlordfff: money geeko done for the A4 and A3 page size
13:45:19 <suseROCKs> annnnyway... as I said moments ago... the discussion here is about the spin, not the solution.   :-)
13:45:27 <CarlosRibeiro> take a look at piratepad
13:45:37 <gnokii> suseROCKs: maybe u recognized it not but the trademark would be in future not owned directly from a US company
13:45:38 <warlordfff> CarlosRibeiro greta, can you e-mail them to me or something?
13:46:32 <terrorpup> Under set up is how to do Media Codecs, Browser Plugins, 3D Drivers and Wireless.
13:47:09 <suseROCKs> gnokii,  the openSUSE trademark status is still up in the air.  We, the Board, have been desiring to have the Foundation own the trademark.  If we can do that, then whoever is company sponsor won't be an issue anymore.
13:48:38 <warlordfff> suseROCKs we must put it down and see that
13:48:51 <warlordfff> as a community
13:49:08 <warlordfff> see what we want to do with it
13:49:26 <gnokii> suseROCKs: we the board doesnt count I sid that before u are not the owner of the trademark
13:49:31 <suseROCKs> warlordfff,   Not that easy.   Novell isn't willing to do that.  Maybe attachmate will be.  But tooo early to say now.
13:50:02 <warlordfff> suseROCKs I understand but the sooner the better is my opinion
13:50:24 <suseROCKs> gnokii,  no we are not the owner of the trademark and I have told you that.   We are the caretakers of the openSUSE trademark, yes.  That is fact.   Novell has entrusted the Board to ensure proper trademark usage and approvals.
13:50:58 <gnokii> SUSE would be a stand alone company after Attachmate have bought Novell so the trademark for SUSE and openSUSE is in europe then
13:51:05 <suseROCKs> Novell's lawyers turn over every openSUSE Trademark usage request directly to us for review.
13:51:26 <CarlosRibeiro> warlordfff: done!
13:51:43 <manugupt1> CarlosRibeiro, Can you add that to artwork Portal
13:51:44 <suseROCKs> a standalone company with offices in Europe can still have its US Based headquarters.  That happens frequently out there.
13:51:44 <CarlosRibeiro> take a lookk at your mail box
13:52:11 <CarlosRibeiro> manugupt1: sure
13:52:20 <manugupt1> Thanks a lot..
13:53:16 <warlordfff> CarlosRibeiro they are blank
13:53:18 <suseROCKs> ok I need to take a break...  walk around a bit and freshen up a shower before its time to get back to the tasks at hand
13:53:24 <warlordfff> for some reason
13:53:26 <suseROCKs> warlordfff, CarlosRibeiro  great job today!
13:53:28 <gnokii> would say there is a difference between own a trademark and are responsible for give using rights for it
13:54:17 <terrorpup> I worked with a lot of company based out of Europe, like Sophos
13:54:40 <warlordfff> suseROCKs thanks
13:55:15 <warlordfff> CarlosRibeiro something might went wrong
13:55:32 <CarlosRibeiro> thanks a lot suseROCKs
13:57:47 <CarlosRibeiro> right now I'm calling to the linux magazine editor to see if is possible to have publish jos interview about Ambassador Program :D I believe jos has already answer the questionary :D
13:58:08 <terrorpup> guys, I will check back later off to work.
13:58:29 <CarlosRibeiro> terrorpup: thanks a lot for your help
13:58:55 <CarlosRibeiro> get some time and be here before this nice day ends :D
14:00:48 <terrorpup> will do
14:03:12 <jospoortvliet> guys I need a break too, get some food - and I didn't even do much... still catching up to mail and other things meh
14:03:22 <jospoortvliet> anyway, CarlosRibeiro will go after your interview thing now
14:03:25 <jospoortvliet> after food that is
14:03:26 <warlordfff> I need one too
14:03:27 <jospoortvliet> hehe
14:04:19 <warlordfff> CarlosRibeiro I will be out for a while,ok?
14:04:34 <CarlosRibeiro> no problem mate
14:05:02 <CarlosRibeiro> I will be here until you bake warlordfff, then will be my turn to have lunch :D
14:05:13 <CarlosRibeiro> until you back
14:05:50 <warlordfff> hehe
14:06:20 <manugupt1> Bye... everyone.. have a nice day..
14:06:25 <manugupt1> or night ;)
14:06:30 <CarlosRibeiro> same to you manugupt1
14:19:06 <warlordfff> back
14:20:18 <CarlosRibeiro> cool beans, warlordfff could I give a break for my launch?
14:20:30 <CarlosRibeiro> to re-energize myself
14:20:57 <warlordfff> of course man
14:21:04 <CarlosRibeiro> :D
14:21:17 <CarlosRibeiro> see you all in about 45 minutes
14:44:00 <gnokii> yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeha
14:44:19 <warlordfff> ?
14:48:35 <javier__> lol
14:49:48 <gnokii> found the right idea for "flexibility"
14:50:35 <gnokii> swiss army knife
14:52:03 <javier__> :)
14:52:25 <gnokii> ooh izabel told me there would be a setup of classmate pc in brazil but she didnt tell that mandriva runs on them
15:44:19 <warlordfff> welcome zoumpis
15:44:43 <zoumpis> hello to everybody
15:44:47 <warlordfff> how from here my honey?  ;-)
15:45:35 <warlordfff> go to work Slave ssssstssssss
15:45:42 <warlordfff> oups
15:45:48 <zoumpis> i read the announcement about the Collaboration day!
15:45:57 <warlordfff> we are public ;D
15:46:26 <zoumpis> yes i know that!
15:46:35 <gnugr> sales today in here
15:46:40 <warlordfff> I forgot it
15:46:46 <warlordfff> hahaha
15:47:48 <warlordfff> got to make some cofee
15:47:52 <warlordfff> brb
15:47:57 <gnugr> repos with half price
15:48:55 <suseROCKs> terrorpup, ping
15:50:56 <warlordfff> suseROCKs you are back?
15:51:44 <warlordfff> do you ever Sleep?
15:52:34 <suseROCKs> Yes I do.
15:52:39 <suseROCKs> I'm sleeping right now.   Amazed?
15:52:46 <warlordfff> hahaha
15:53:00 <warlordfff> are you SleepIRCing?
15:53:02 <suseROCKs> its amazing what wireless can do these days
15:53:13 <warlordfff> ahahahaha
15:54:12 <warlordfff> if you are sleeping and in your sleep you are seeing talk to me on IRC then sorry but there must be something wrong with you :D
15:54:36 <suseROCKs> warlordfff, You never had anyone dream about you?  You're a Greek God!
15:55:00 <warlordfff> Thankz I am
15:55:04 <chperobert> Hello
15:55:15 <warlordfff> hello chperobert
15:55:22 <suseROCKs> hiya chperobert.  How are you today?
15:56:24 <chperobert> Very good
15:56:35 <chperobert> thank
15:56:41 <chperobert> I want to help that day as I can, I apologize because my English is bad
15:56:51 <suseROCKs> chperobert,  No problem!
15:56:54 <suseROCKs> Where are you from?
15:57:05 <chperobert> El Salvador
15:57:20 <suseROCKs> Awesome.
15:57:27 <warlordfff> sooooooooo far  away from me
15:57:29 <suseROCKs> sorry my espanol is limited
15:57:47 <suseROCKs> chperobert,  I'm in USA
15:57:53 <warlordfff> sorry my espanol are non existing
15:57:57 <chperobert> Ok,
15:58:00 <warlordfff> ;-)
15:58:05 <chperobert> The time now is 9:57 a.m.
15:58:08 <javier__> far away from here too
15:58:09 <suseROCKs> same here
15:58:11 <warlordfff> Me from Greece
15:58:13 <javier__> I could help ,)
15:58:21 <suseROCKs> ooh javier__  our espanol savior!
15:58:36 <suseROCKs> javier__,   How do you say "Como esta" in espanol?
15:58:49 <suseROCKs> oh wait....  Never mind  :-)
15:58:57 <javier__> jejej
15:59:08 <chperobert> I am aware of the nationality of many of the wiki and ready, it's good
15:59:16 <javier__> ¿Cómo está? <- formal.... ¿Qué tal estás? <- informal
15:59:51 <warlordfff> zoumpis need some help here
16:00:01 <suseROCKs> warlordfff,   How about if we start off with something simple for chperobert   like help build the events schedule for the year by listing all events in his region?   I think tht would be a good start
16:00:11 <warlordfff> those people are talking Spanish
16:00:18 <zoumpis> tell me please
16:00:30 <warlordfff> those people are talking Spanish zoumpis
16:00:40 <zoumpis> ok lets talk to spanish
16:00:45 <zoumpis> hola a todos
16:00:47 <warlordfff> suseROCKs ok
16:01:03 <javier__> what's going on here? jeje
16:01:10 <zoumpis> hola javier
16:01:12 <suseROCKs> zoumpis sounds Greek.
16:01:19 <javier__> buenas zoumpis ;-)
16:01:24 <zoumpis> vale
16:01:38 <warlordfff> zoumpis is the Greek help for understanding our Spanish friends
16:01:45 <zoumpis> estoy de grecia / i am from grecee
16:01:50 <zoumpis> excactamente
16:01:54 <chperobert> En español es sumamente sencillo para mi, pero hare un esfuerzo en usar traductor para Ingles, OK
16:01:55 <zoumpis> excatly
16:02:18 <zoumpis> por eso puede ayudarte
16:02:21 <suseROCKs> opa zoumpis!
16:02:24 <zoumpis> puedo
16:02:27 <zoumpis> xax
16:02:41 <warlordfff> In Greek Community we have a man for every work,soon we hope also to have one or two women also for each men  :D
16:02:57 <javier__> hehe
16:03:16 <chperobert> The communication in this channel is only English?
16:03:30 <zoumpis> νο
16:03:31 <zoumpis> no
16:03:37 <warlordfff> I really dn't know anymore chperobert...
16:03:44 <zoumpis> ingles y espanol
16:04:00 <zoumpis> i think so..
16:04:10 <warlordfff> μιλάμε και Ελληνικά?
16:04:13 <javier__> e português também?
16:04:14 <zoumpis> xaxa ναι
16:04:18 <warlordfff> hahaha
16:04:21 <suseROCKs> warlordfff,   the room also is Sign Language.  Can you see what I'm saying?  :-D
16:04:26 <chperobert> ja ja ja
16:04:36 <warlordfff> yeah
16:04:40 <skoliX> Deutsch?
16:04:52 <javier__> naja, ...
16:04:54 <warlordfff> suseROCKs you ROCK
16:06:00 <suseROCKs> warlordfff,   So how many Greeks are here today?
16:06:16 <warlordfff> now 4
16:06:21 <chperobert> @warlordfff, I am presenting the new ambassadors http://en.opensuse.org/User:Cheperobert
16:06:33 <gnokii> skoliX das ist ein guter Einfall
16:06:58 <warlordfff> skoliX zoumpis gnugr and efagra
16:07:06 <warlordfff> plus me
16:07:15 <manugupt1> नमस्ते
16:07:51 <javier__> one of my teachers once told me that Greeks got less economic aid from Eramus but that they were the ones who got the most out it (they know how to party and have fun)
16:08:17 <zoumpis> esto es verdad javier
16:08:24 <javier__> :-)
16:08:25 <skoliX> Ja gnokii
16:08:44 <gnokii> skoliX: das klingt so verdächtig nach Skolelinux
16:08:52 <warlordfff> chperobert nice
16:09:50 <zoumpis> aqui nos saludamos mucho , para tomar  copas y bailar
16:10:06 <warlordfff> now we are 6 Greeks in Here
16:10:07 <chperobert> thanks
16:10:23 <suseROCKs> warlordfff,   Do I count?  Even though I'm "diluted"?  :-)
16:10:29 <skoliX> gnokii solix ist ein griechisches wort
16:10:37 <warlordfff> with you 7
16:10:39 <javier__> zoumpis: similar to southern italian style? I've never been to Greece
16:10:44 <warlordfff> the number of God
16:10:53 <zoumpis> no excactamente
16:10:59 <chperobert> Those who speak Spanish?
16:11:01 <gnokii> skoliX: ja solix vielleicht aber da ist ja nun ein K dazwischen
16:11:12 <suseROCKs> javier__,   Oh you should go.  Athens is so peaceful and wide open and totally uncrowded.
16:11:16 * suseROCKs lies!
16:11:27 <javier__> hehe
16:11:31 <zoumpis> los griegos parecen mas de la gente en Espana
16:11:50 <zoumpis> he viajado en barcelona hace 3 anos
16:12:11 <javier__> zoumpis:which parts of Spain do you know?
16:12:14 <zoumpis> de donde estas?de madrid?
16:12:23 <javier__> close to it
16:12:32 <javier__> ~30 km away
16:12:38 <suseROCKs> javier__,   the parts where my friggin laptop and camera are!   :-(
16:12:55 <zoumpis> insistes que nos hablamos en ingles..no tengo problema..pero para mi es una oportunidad para practicar mi Espanol!
16:12:58 <warlordfff> ok I called for the Greek power so that I cannot understand nothing
16:13:02 <javier__> :(
16:13:16 <warlordfff> one is Speaking Spanish and the other German
16:13:33 <suseROCKs> And this one Sign Language!   LOL
16:14:26 <javier__> zoumpis: si quieres hablamos en castellano,... hablaba en inglés para que nos entienda el resto
16:14:35 <warlordfff> yeah suseROCKs lets talk to Sign Language
16:14:48 <javier__> *entendiese
16:14:49 <zoumpis> οκ
16:15:07 * suseROCKs raises 3 fingers and tells warlordfff  "Guess which one is going to stay up?"
16:15:23 <zoumpis> javier: solo se castellano , nada mas
16:15:47 <chperobert> I have my translators on hand to English - Spanish and Spanish-English
16:15:47 <javier__> zoumpis: ¿qué lugares de España conoces?
16:16:12 <warlordfff> suseROCKs mmmmm
16:16:17 <warlordfff> the left?
16:16:25 <skoliX> gnokii: woher kommen sie
16:16:27 <skoliX> ?
16:16:28 <suseROCKs> sure
16:16:50 <zoumpis> javier : Yo conozco Andalucia , Valencia, Catalania , Extremadura
16:17:05 <zoumpis> Javier: pero he viajado solo ena Barca
16:17:42 <gnokii> aus Chemnitz, das ist eine kleine 300.000 Einwohnerstadt 80km von Dresden
16:17:46 <javier__> zoumpis: yo de Barcelona sólo he visitado el aeropuerto, jejej
16:17:58 <zoumpis> javier : xaxax
16:18:15 <zoumpis> javier : quierro preguntante algo
16:18:19 <javier__> zoumpis: dime
16:19:13 <zoumpis> javier : hay documentacion en castellano , lo que puedo transladarlo en griego? (si que hago errores ,perdoname, hay mucho tiempo que no he hablando espanol)
16:20:07 <javier__> zoumpis: hmm, algo sí hay pero poca
16:20:28 <javier__> zoumpis: casi toda está en el wiki
16:21:11 <warlordfff> diamond_gr ping
16:21:24 <javier__> zoumpis: os recomiendo que empecéis traduciendo http://www.vertaal.com.ar/projects/opensuse-guides/ (pdfs)
16:21:35 <diamond_gr> warlordfff ping
16:21:40 <zoumpis> javier : vale..pero que es esto?
16:21:59 <warlordfff> are you working in the pad?
16:22:05 <javier__> zoumpis: openSUSE guides & manuals
16:22:10 <warlordfff> Stathis?
16:22:13 <warlordfff> Stathis?
16:22:14 <warlordfff> are you working in the pad?
16:23:10 <diamond_gr> warlordfff : Nope. I'm working the Weekly News now
16:23:11 <zoumpis> javier : parecen muy bien
16:23:12 <javier__> what do Greek people thing about Spanish? Italians think that every word in Spanish ends with a "s"
16:23:22 <zoumpis> javier : gracias
16:23:31 <javier__> de nada :)
16:23:40 <warlordfff> zoumpis are you working on the translation too?
16:23:49 <warlordfff> of Weekly news?
16:23:50 <zoumpis> yes of course
16:23:58 <warlordfff> ok
16:24:24 * warlordfff is a Dictator
16:24:35 <warlordfff> :D
16:25:10 <zoumpis> javier : los griegos piensan sobre la gente en espana : chicas guapas, futbol , y sagria! xaxaxa
16:25:16 <skoliX> ok guys, let's speak English
16:25:31 <javier__> jejej
16:25:57 <warlordfff> hahaha
16:26:15 <skoliX> because I have a major hangover
16:26:30 <warlordfff> Since when?
16:26:44 <warlordfff> you have aHangover without me?
16:26:59 <skoliX> oh yes
16:27:11 <warlordfff> silence,I kill you
16:27:20 <warlordfff> hahahaha
16:27:28 <warlordfff> ok
16:27:40 <warlordfff> now lets get back to work
16:40:04 <lupinstein> ok, finally at work
16:41:27 <warlordfff> lupinstein : suseROCKs was looking for you
16:42:41 <lupinstein> thanks
16:43:47 <publict> hi guys
16:43:59 <warlordfff> hiiiii
16:44:34 <warlordfff> my friend from Minsk
16:44:44 <warlordfff> how are you?
16:45:08 <lupinstein> ok, I pinged him. Thanks Kostas.
16:45:29 <warlordfff> yw
16:48:57 <publict> im fine, thanks,  just reading os-Collab-Ambassador doc )
16:49:05 <publict> sure you are well too
16:49:55 <warlordfff> yes
16:51:53 <warlordfff> it will be nice if you help publict, we could always use a fresh eye on all that
16:53:34 <suseROCKs> thanks warlordfff    hiya lupinstein
16:53:39 <lupinstein> I guess suseROCKs when out
16:53:43 <lupinstein> hey there you are
16:53:48 <suseROCKs> lol
16:54:15 <suseROCKs> lupinstein,   I looked up SouthWest from Atlanta to LA.  Seems SWA doesn't fly out of ATL?
16:54:36 <lupinstein> Let me check AirTran
16:54:45 <lupinstein> I think they fly to LA
16:55:54 <lupinstein> Airtran does
16:57:10 <lupinstein> about $325 for round trip
16:57:17 <lupinstein> that is a direct flight
16:59:20 <suseROCKs> lupinstein,   Delta's a little cheaper at 292
16:59:25 <cheperobert> @warlordfff In terms of approach, what are the materials provided?, as in previous oacaciones only have given me DVD's promos
16:59:51 <warlordfff> well there are stickers
16:59:57 <suseROCKs> lupinstein,  and it includes a stop in new mexico where you have to ride a mule to texas  :-D
17:00:06 <warlordfff> and t-shirts and fliers
17:00:24 <warlordfff> that you can ask for
17:00:43 <lupinstein> is that with taxes
17:00:51 <suseROCKs> yup
17:00:56 <suseROCKs> as per expedia
17:00:59 <warlordfff> also beyond that if that is not enough you may use your creativity
17:00:59 <lupinstein> because Airtran is $137 eash way
17:01:13 <lupinstein> plus I can use some of my point to see I can get it cheap
17:01:31 <lupinstein> I've had bad luck with delta every time
17:01:54 <suseROCKs> lupinstein,  well any way we can cut corners would be appreciated
17:01:56 <warlordfff> me and diamond_gr we made a seperate flier with Greek community links
17:01:59 <zoumpis> javier : hay ningun canal de la communidad espanola de openSUSE?
17:02:10 <lupinstein> I am A+ Business  member on Airtran :-)
17:02:11 <zoumpis> javier : en irc digo
17:02:29 <warlordfff> cheperobert are you covered by my answer?
17:02:44 <suseROCKs> so lupinstein   Please do go ahead and get your paper submitted.  and also coordinate with sshaw on setting up a tutorial session for obs/susestudio in addition to your presentations.    We need that submitted very soon
17:02:48 <cheperobert> yes
17:02:54 <lupinstein> ok
17:02:56 <javier__> zoumpis:  #opensuse-es  (suele haber poca gente)
17:03:08 <warlordfff> if you need anything else feel fre to e-mail me
17:03:08 <lupinstein> I will go delta if they are cheaper
17:03:09 <zoumpis> javier : muy bien
17:03:10 <javier__> zoumpis: hay más gente en el canal portugués #opensuse-pt
17:03:26 <zoumpis> javier : si pero no hablo portugues!
17:03:43 <suseROCKs> lupinstein,  well the gotcha is we can't make exact plans until we hear from the CFP folks.   Dec 27 is an agonizingly long time  :-)
17:03:49 <javier__> zoumpis: las listas de correo opensuse-es si que son activas
17:03:58 <lupinstein> just hope they don't lose anything this time, so far a camera and my car keys, I got stuck at the airport last time I travel with them
17:04:05 <warlordfff> javier__ are you with th Iderian openSUSE as well?
17:04:10 <warlordfff> javier__ are you with th Iberian openSUSE as well?
17:04:11 <javier__> zoumpis: si hablas castellano, entederás bastante portugués
17:04:16 <lupinstein> true
17:04:18 <javier__> warlordfff: yes
17:04:23 <cheperobert> Muy activa es la lista opensuse-es, te lo digo por experiencia
17:04:32 <suseROCKs> lupinstein,   next time, tell Delta  "Give me your airplane keys and if you don't lose my keys, I'll give yours back"
17:04:34 <zoumpis> javier : quizas.no se . tu sabes!
17:04:55 <warlordfff> ok
17:05:18 <javier__> zoumpis: vente a #opensuse-es y así somos más :P
17:05:34 <lupinstein> my key was one of those fancy one, it cost me about $500 to replace it, after that I stop fly thing, no bad things with Airtran
17:05:38 <zoumpis> javier : ya estoy aca
17:06:26 <suseROCKs> oh I hate when those kinds of keys get lost
17:06:47 <lupinstein> when I flew to TLF, again delta, I slept in a hotel there the window was broke by gun shot, then in the airport because they were over booked. :( Delta got bad omen, I think because North West another airline I will never fly
17:07:20 <suseROCKs> well if you prefer we can rent you a mule  :-D
17:08:13 <lupinstein> or drive cross county
17:08:14 <zoumpis> javier : sabes algo sobre  systema operativo eyeOS?
17:08:24 <cheperobert> In relation to the presentations taking place in the events, we may choose to have a base template.
17:08:37 <lupinstein> anyway, let me get done with submittion
17:09:54 <suseROCKs> lupinstein,   alrighty and then we'll coordinate later this month.   I think we can fit all this in the budget.
17:10:38 <gnokii> helen_au the flexibility is also done http://img.susepaste.org/86349013
17:11:13 <javier__> zoumpis: no mucho... sé que es un sistema operativo en plan "cloud computing"... en la nube
17:12:19 <cheperobert> @warlordfff, I believe it would be too long but adequate to give a report (at the ambassadorial lsita) or established after the finacionacion at an event, eg what were the main achievements and goals were met.
17:12:26 <gnokii> javier__: need the tumbleweed idea so that I can begin factory/tumbleweed motif
17:12:29 <zoumpis> zoumpis : si excactamente
17:13:27 <javier__> gnokii: I sent you the link, did you get it?
17:13:47 <gnokii> via mail?
17:13:55 <javier__> no, via irc
17:14:11 <warlordfff> cheperobert I will do that and I will try to make this as detailed as I can make it
17:14:12 <gnokii> javier had to delete my logs today
17:14:44 <warlordfff> but it will take a few days to do that
17:15:33 <warlordfff> Propably along with Carlos
17:15:44 <javier__> gnokii: www.javierllorente.com/tmp/tumbleweed.svg
17:16:37 <gnokii> got it thx
17:18:40 <javier__> yw
17:19:03 <warlordfff> cheperobert propably at the end of the week, the following 3 days I have huge amount of work to do within the Grek community and I have an event to organize for Sunday so either Saturday,either next monday
17:19:16 <warlordfff> ok?
17:26:01 <cheperobert> Like us in the openSUSE community of El Salvador will develop an event on Sunday, will teach you how to migrate from Windows to openSuse :-),  Entregaremos los ultimos 40 DVD's promocionales
17:26:05 <cheperobert> Ok?
17:26:32 <cheperobert> Very goood
17:26:39 <warlordfff> yes
17:26:50 <warlordfff> will that be in Spanish?
17:27:31 <zoumpis> that's sounds very intresting
17:27:42 <warlordfff> cheperobert if it is can you send me a copy of the presentation?
17:28:14 <warlordfff> zoumpis can make a translation for the Greek community to make that presentation soon
17:28:23 <zoumpis> yes of course
17:28:24 <warlordfff> zoumpis ;-)
17:28:56 <zoumpis> cheperobert : si quierres ayuda digame!
17:29:10 <warlordfff> zoumpis I told you I will find a way to use your Spanish, didn't I?
17:29:27 <cheperobert> Si algunas cosas me cuestas para traducirlas
17:29:57 <cheperobert> Queria decirle a kostas que entregaremos los ultimos 40 dvd's promos que tenemos en ese evento
17:30:26 <zoumpis> donde entregareis estos dvds?
17:31:39 <cheperobert> En un evento que se realizara en el Pais, el dia domingo para unas personas que migraran sus Cyber-cafes de Windows a openSUSE
17:32:08 <cheperobert> OK, then sent him links to the presentations
17:33:44 <zoumpis> vale
17:34:07 <zoumpis> y tu que quierres decir algo mas en Kostas?
17:34:32 <cheperobert> No, solo informarele del evento, ya que no lo he echo en la lista de embajadores
17:36:33 <warlordfff> ok you want me to add it to the list of ambassadors events??
17:37:00 <cheperobert> Kostas has to learn Spanish> :-)
17:37:02 <zoumpis> chepe: kostas dice que nos nececitamos la presentacion tuya (sobre este evento) para transladarla y  usala aqui en grecua
17:37:14 <zoumpis> estoy aqui por Kostas!
17:37:23 <cheperobert> ok
17:37:32 <warlordfff> cheperobert among other things :D
17:38:13 <zoumpis> chepe : oyes?
17:38:15 <cheperobert> Luego que las tenga las envio.
17:38:45 <cheperobert> Esto seria despues del domingo 12
17:39:26 <zoumpis> vale
17:39:34 <zoumpis> despues del evento
17:39:46 <warlordfff> ok now zoumpis explain to me in private
17:40:04 <zoumpis> οκ
17:40:47 <cheperobert> ok
17:41:17 <zoumpis> dices que el evento estare en domingo 12/12/2010, pero donde?
17:42:15 <cheperobert> Sera aca en mi pais (El Salvador), en una de nuestras ciudades
17:42:38 <cheperobert> La organizacion de esto lo manejamos en la lista de usuarios de la comunidad nuestra
17:42:46 <cheperobert> te envio el link para que veas
17:42:51 <zoumpis> vale
17:42:53 <zoumpis> gracias
17:43:25 <zoumpis> en que ciudad?
17:44:17 <cheperobert> http://groups.google.com/group/opensusesv/browse_thread/thread/f8e9c066f31ab54?hl=es
17:44:31 <cheperobert> Se llama Zacatecoluca
17:44:40 <zoumpis> vale
17:45:40 <zoumpis> por eso en Zacatecoluca en 12/12/2010 el evento estare?
17:45:54 <zoumpis> o no ?
17:46:16 <cheperobert> Yes
17:46:36 <zoumpis> vale
17:46:54 <cheperobert> Salvo cualquier cambio les informo
17:47:30 <zoumpis> puedes informar Kostas en primero si quierres
17:47:44 <zoumpis> anvias por ejemplo un email
17:48:02 <zoumpis> y despues Kostas me informare
17:48:06 <zoumpis> entiendes?
17:48:28 <cheperobert> Claro
17:49:00 <warlordfff> how it is called the event?
17:49:27 <zoumpis> como se llama el evento
17:49:38 <zoumpis> ?
17:50:22 <warlordfff> and we are finished
17:50:24 <cheperobert> El evento no es oficial como, SFD FLISOL, mas que todo es una colaboracion de parte nuestra para estas personas interesadas
17:50:36 <cheperobert> por lo que no creo tenga un nombre especifico
17:50:41 <warlordfff> ok
17:50:47 <warlordfff> I'll write SFD FLISOL
17:50:50 <warlordfff> ok
17:50:54 <warlordfff> ?
17:51:04 <javier__> warlordfff: nop
17:51:08 <warlordfff> ok
17:51:16 <warlordfff> tell me what to write
17:51:21 <warlordfff> sorry
17:51:26 <javier__> the event is not official like SFD FLISOL
17:51:31 <zoumpis> pues podeis llamarlo SFD FLISOL de Deciembre?
17:51:32 <javier__> that's what he said
17:51:37 <warlordfff> ok
17:51:42 <cheperobert> ja ja ja
17:51:43 <cheperobert> no
17:51:48 <zoumpis> ok
17:51:55 <zoumpis> SFD FLISOL
17:51:57 <zoumpis> ?
17:52:11 <cheperobert> Por ejemplo, podria ser: Micgracion a GNU/Linux en Cyber-cafes
17:52:22 <zoumpis> pues
17:52:55 <zoumpis> cuando estas seguro sobre el nombre anvie un e-mail a Kostas ok?
17:53:08 <javier__> mejor "Migración a openSUSE en cibercafés" , no? :P
17:53:10 <cheperobert> Tambien podria estar considerado como un Install Fest
17:53:20 <zoumpis> esto es muy bine
17:53:21 <zoumpis> bein
17:53:21 <cheperobert> Ok, excelente
17:53:23 <zoumpis> bien
17:53:37 <zoumpis> por eso Install Fest ?
17:53:58 <cheperobert> Si esta muy bien Install Fest
17:54:25 <zoumpis> dame el titulo todo
17:54:38 <zoumpis> con fechas y mas informacions
17:54:39 <zoumpis> e
17:54:39 <zoumpis> s
17:54:41 <zoumpis> gracias
17:55:41 <cheperobert> Luego lo informo con detalles, ya que no quiesiera colocar informacion que pueda cambiar posteriormente.
17:56:52 <warlordfff> anyone the title ?? :D
17:57:35 <javier__> warlordfff: "Installfest in El Salvador" or "Migrating Cybercafés to openSUSE"
17:57:40 <javier__> that's my suggestion
17:57:41 <warlordfff> ok
17:58:09 <cheperobert> ok
17:58:33 <warlordfff> http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Ambassadors_events#2010
17:58:36 <warlordfff> done
17:58:44 <warlordfff> am I quick or what?
17:58:45 <cheperobert> here are the 11:55 am lunchtime
17:59:01 <Dominian> Is the meeting still going on?
17:59:08 <Dominian> or is the /topic just hosed?
17:59:56 <warlordfff> its still going on
18:00:10 <Dominian> wow
18:00:10 <Dominian> ok
18:00:13 <cheperobert> OK, very good, sbre la programacion del evento
18:00:24 <warlordfff> enter the http://manugupt1.ietherpad.com/os-Collab-Ambassador? to add anything you like
18:00:46 <warlordfff> feel free to express yourself
18:01:21 <zoumpis> chepe: si quierres algo o informas la communidad en grecia mi e-mail es : zoumpis@gmail.com
18:01:25 <CarlosRibeiro> yeap finally i'm back
18:01:37 <warlordfff> hehehe
18:01:49 <cheperobert> ok zoumpis
18:01:54 <zoumpis> gracisa
18:02:12 <zoumpis> ahora me voy y regresare en una hora supongo
18:02:17 <cheperobert> Gracias por todo, ahora se donde se progrman los eventos
18:02:26 <cheperobert> Igual
18:02:32 <zoumpis> vale
18:03:24 <warlordfff> CarlosRibeiro anyone was talking Spanish for a while
18:03:32 <warlordfff> even the Greeks
18:03:38 <warlordfff> all exept me
18:03:43 <warlordfff> all except me
18:04:02 <warlordfff> Strange things happen :D
18:04:32 <warlordfff> cheperobert did you checked the anonouncement?
18:04:38 <warlordfff> is it ok?
18:27:12 <warlordfff> dominian
18:27:18 <luciano113> hello everbody
18:27:50 <warlordfff> hello
18:28:16 <CarlosRibeiro> hello luciano113 very nice to see you here
18:28:20 <mingomax> hello everbody, I am a new here....
18:28:36 <luciano113> i am new here too
18:28:38 <CarlosRibeiro> hello mingomax It's our pleasure to have you here too
18:29:03 <CarlosRibeiro> good two new friends here to help at the Ambassador COllaboration Progra
18:29:22 <warlordfff> yeah
18:29:28 <Dominian> warlordfff: yes?
18:29:30 <warlordfff> we are here to help
18:29:58 <CarlosRibeiro> mingomax:  luciano113, did you see this list http://manugupt1.ietherpad.com/os-Collab-Ambassador?
18:29:59 <warlordfff> Dominian what is wrong in Segmentation under your opinion?
18:30:13 <mingomax> CarlosRibeiro: not yet!
18:30:23 <Dominian> warlordfff: Just a lame joke I was typing in the text box
18:30:25 <luciano113> yes i am here to now more about the ambassador Collaboration program
18:30:30 <warlordfff> oh ok
18:30:32 <luciano113> i go sse this now
18:30:43 <mingomax> sorry iḿ reading, but i dont understandig waht to do....
18:30:52 <warlordfff> if you feel something is wrong please tell us about it
18:31:02 <CarlosRibeiro> mingomax:  so, today as we are talking is our AMbassador Collaboration day, then we have that page with some tasks to be completed today  WE HOPE
18:31:10 <warlordfff> mingomax it's really easy
18:31:41 <CarlosRibeiro> mingomax:  luciano113 the only thing you need to do to help is going to that page and pick up one task to do
18:31:48 <warlordfff> just write in there what do you think about all that
18:31:59 <warlordfff> how to improve
18:32:07 <CarlosRibeiro> exemplo, do you think the ambassador mentoring is a good topic to work with?
18:32:23 <warlordfff> all those and if you have any other things to propose about the ambassador program
18:34:59 <luciano113> i have learn something about a version of suse to develop to ipad and iphone i want to test and write about it i think is a good idea
18:35:01 <mingomax> for example, i am interested in the Ambassador Program mentoring
18:35:24 <mingomax> I should write up there on that list?
18:35:29 <CarlosRibeiro> mingomax: good
18:35:38 <CarlosRibeiro> mingomax:  yes
18:36:29 <warlordfff> but write mingomax aside
18:36:39 <warlordfff> or you whole name
18:37:28 <mingomax> warlordfff: side topic?
18:38:08 <warlordfff> no go there no I'll show you and after I will erase that so that you can do it
18:38:14 <warlordfff> ok
18:38:42 <javier__> ok, added a new section
18:38:55 <javier__> 2.d) Establishing links with communities from other regions/countries
18:39:27 <warlordfff> did you saw it mingomax?
18:41:13 <warlordfff> ?
18:41:23 <mingomax> warlordfff: i saw you wrote, so i do the same
18:41:48 <javier__> mingomax it seems you have two open sessions
18:42:20 <warlordfff> ko
18:42:21 <mingomax> javier__: i have closed   one
18:42:22 <warlordfff> ok
18:46:08 <warlordfff> suseROCKs ping
18:50:04 <suseROCKs> hey guys, how's it going?
18:50:09 <suseROCKs> warlordfff, pong!
18:50:11 <warlordfff> great
18:50:33 <suseROCKs> I'm seeing some new names here today, we must be doing well.
18:50:33 <CarlosRibeiro> gnokii:  do you mind to share that link with your new banners you show me this morning, I mean, could I put that link under the topic Banner
18:50:50 <CarlosRibeiro> over here http://manugupt1.ietherpad.com/os-Collab-Ambassador?
18:50:57 <mingomax> warlordfff: i put the topic
18:51:27 <warlordfff> where?
18:51:46 <mingomax> at item G
18:52:11 <mingomax> just below your
18:53:13 <gnokii> CarlosRibeiro: not yet isnt ready for it
18:53:39 <CarlosRibeiro> luizmachado1: luciano113, mingomax /me and ... I believe will be so god for us if we have http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Product_demo translated to portugues
18:54:09 <CarlosRibeiro> gnokii:  no problem, I just aked because I really liked, congratulatins again
18:54:46 <mingomax> I CarlosRibeiro: I can contribute to  KDE part
18:54:54 <warlordfff> mingomax I just saw it ,ok
18:55:08 <CarlosRibeiro> anyone wishes to help me to get this one translated to portugues
18:55:25 <CarlosRibeiro> mingomax:  oh yes, you are the KDE guy, I remember
18:55:32 <CarlosRibeiro> :D
18:56:11 <CarlosRibeiro> mingomax: do you know Sandro from KDE?
18:56:22 * manugupt1 is called when the link is pasted ;)
18:56:41 <gnokii> CarlosRibeiro: when they are ready depends a little bit how fast the text are made from marketing team and after that, think we translate it again
18:56:44 <mingomax> CarlosRibeiro: yes, I know
18:57:20 <gnokii> because it makes no sense for Brazil or Latinamerica not 10% speak english there
18:58:18 <mingomax> CarlosRibeiro: he is how involved with activities about KDE Academy 2011
19:00:04 <CarlosRibeiro> gnokii:  +1
19:00:56 <CarlosRibeiro> ok, people that speak in portugues, I already created the openSUSE product demo here, http://pt.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Product_demo
19:01:15 <CarlosRibeiro> easy to be done today :D
19:01:59 <jospoortvliet> CarlosRibeiro: nice work, even though I don't understand it :D well the english part is OK hehe
19:03:19 <CarlosRibeiro> jospoortvliet:  :D yes, then I would like to have the portgues version before I fell down on my bed tonight
19:03:40 <jospoortvliet> hehe ok be sure not to work to hard my friend...
19:04:00 <suseROCKs> hey guys...  I'm going to get going and do some stuff around the house.  I'll continue to work with the talking points this evening or tomorrow
19:04:19 <suseROCKs> didn't get any sleep last night before starting here, so I'm exhausted.
19:04:34 <suseROCKs> but I want to thank CarlosRibeiro and warlordfff especially for seeing this event through to very successful day.
19:05:05 <CarlosRibeiro> thanks a lot suseROCKs for give us this wnderfull opportunity to make things happen
19:05:27 <suseROCKs> and we even had jospoortvliet with us!    :-D
19:05:30 <warlordfff> yes Thank you for your help
19:05:39 <javier__> jospoortvliet: any news about the possibility of writing an article?
19:06:29 <warlordfff> CarlosRibeiro will you able to do the close up?
19:06:47 <warlordfff> I will leave in an  hour or so...
19:06:49 <jospoortvliet> suseROCKs: oh and think about the images for the article...
19:06:53 <jospoortvliet> we can publish it tomorrow
19:06:58 <jospoortvliet> for today I have something else. OK?
19:07:08 <jospoortvliet> javier__: what article?
19:07:48 <suseROCKs> jospoortvliet,   most definitely.  the article will be posted in all its resplendent glory by tmw morning.
19:08:05 <suseROCKs> that will give me time to complete developing the pictures to use.
19:09:16 <CarlosRibeiro> warlordfff:  sure
19:09:24 <warlordfff> ok
19:10:32 <CarlosRibeiro> people, I would like to send a Ambassador Callaboration Certificate for everyone that are joing us today, then I would like to have the mail address for everyone at the end of the page http://manugupt1.ietherpad.com/os-Collab-Ambassador?. Could be possible?
19:10:35 <suseROCKs> CarlosRibeiro,   use #endmeeting when done for the day and then /deop (nick) to deop all of us
19:10:51 <luizmachado1> CarlosRibeiro: ok, I'm going to translate
19:11:06 <CarlosRibeiro> suseROCKs:  ok, thanks a lot for your support
19:11:46 <CarlosRibeiro> luizmachado1: o mingomax already got this task, work toguether with him
19:12:49 <jospoortvliet> CarlosRibeiro: he, fun, if you want to do it. feel free :D
19:12:57 <jospoortvliet> don't go overboard with the certificates, keep it fun :D
19:13:48 <jospoortvliet> I mean, we don't need a certificate for every fart we do ;-)
19:13:59 <jospoortvliet> but they are fun, so again, if you want to make them, cool...
19:14:22 <luizmachado1> mingomax: Do you started the translate ?
19:14:31 <jospoortvliet> just make sure - I mean, it's not like we can do that all the time, so ppl shouldn't expect it or anything...
19:14:36 <jospoortvliet> CarlosRibeiro: ok?
19:14:38 <warlordfff> guys listen something funny
19:14:46 <mingomax> luizmachado1: Yes. i have started the section of KDE
19:14:47 <javier__> jospoortvliet: an article for an English magazine
19:15:00 <javier__> jospoortvliet: remember you said you were looking for writers
19:15:09 <jospoortvliet> aaah yes
19:15:24 <jospoortvliet> too many things on my plate...
19:15:32 <jospoortvliet> do/did you have any ideas for a subject?
19:15:33 <javier__> no worries
19:15:43 <warlordfff> on order to learn how to use OBS a member from the Greek communitty wants to start working the ubuntu recipes program
19:15:47 <CarlosRibeiro> mingomax:  D 6 not K
19:15:56 <javier__> jospoortvliet: I said obs, as in installing obs.
19:16:05 <jospoortvliet> well that's something that will go down easily
19:16:19 <mingomax> CarlosRibeiro: yes , i see it!
19:16:25 <jospoortvliet> any magazine in particular? we could even try LWN if you like... an OBS guide, technical, would go down pretty well
19:16:27 <jospoortvliet> there
19:16:35 <CarlosRibeiro> mingomax: luizmachado1 take a look at the botton of page and let the names you like to have in our openSUSE Collabration Certificate of participation
19:17:03 <javier__> jospoortvliet: hmm, I don't know
19:17:14 <jospoortvliet> might be too technical?
19:17:26 <jospoortvliet> how about linux-magazine, the international one?
19:17:36 <CarlosRibeiro> +1
19:17:40 <javier__> ok
19:17:45 <luizmachado1> mingomax: if you like, I can help you .... where is the page ?
19:17:51 <javier__> my idea is an intro to installing obs
19:18:14 <javier__> (I have never installed obs myself)
19:18:17 <CarlosRibeiro> javier__:  perfect, good start point
19:18:53 <jospoortvliet> javier__: or linux journal...
19:19:07 <jospoortvliet> javier__: INSTALL it on your own system? as in, download it, run your own OBS?
19:19:22 <javier__> jospoortvliet: yepp
19:19:29 <mingomax> luizmachado1: i send to you with a private message
19:19:30 <jospoortvliet> that's quite technical, even an introduction would probably be really something quite hard core. Not saying it doesn't belong in any of those magazines
19:19:47 <jospoortvliet> but I would say LWN would be a good spot... they have the hardcore nerds as readers, ppl who could actually use this...
19:19:56 <javier__> I found an interesting topic but too technical as you said
19:19:59 <javier__> *it
19:20:09 <jospoortvliet> most LJ or LinMag readers wouldn't know what to do with it
19:20:12 <jospoortvliet> I think...
19:20:31 <javier__> perhaps that's something to investigate?
19:20:44 <javier__> best place to publish
19:20:49 <jospoortvliet> ok, if you want I can send out some feelers to LWN, LJ and linmag... ask them.
19:21:17 <javier__> well, I was thinking of taking a look at their articles
19:21:26 <javier__> to see the level
19:49:56 <CarlosRibeiro> welcome aborad LuizFelipe
19:50:10 <CarlosRibeiro> very nice to see you here
19:51:14 <CarlosRibeiro> LuizFelipe: take a look at this page and see if have something you may like to work with, or if you like to create a new topic and start to work
19:51:16 <CarlosRibeiro> http://manugupt1.ietherpad.com/os-Collab-Ambassador?
19:52:05 <LuizFelipe> hi
19:52:17 <LuizFelipe> im here
19:59:41 <nmarques> gnokii, ping... info request: who can make a hackergotchi for one our future members ?
20:00:34 <gnokii> http://karl-tux-stadt.de/ktuxs/?p=2292
20:00:52 <CarlosRibeiro> LuizFelipe:  cool beans, now I see some professional musician helping at the Ambassador Program
20:01:07 <CarlosRibeiro> thanks a lot for your help LuizFelipe
20:06:25 <warlordfff> CarlosRibeiro it's time for me to go.
20:06:55 <warlordfff> 13 hours with a quarter break
20:07:08 <CarlosRibeiro> warlordfff:  :(
20:07:12 <warlordfff> ok?
20:07:47 <warlordfff> remember to close the meeting so that the log will be saved ok?
20:07:50 <CarlosRibeiro> of course, please do not forget to let the name you wish to appear at your Ambassador Collaboratin Day Certificate
20:08:05 <warlordfff> oh I almost forgot that
20:08:22 <CarlosRibeiro> also, I would like to say thanks a lot for everything you are doing for the AMbassador Program
20:08:31 <CarlosRibeiro> thank you so much
20:09:22 <CarlosRibeiro> I will try to keep runing this day as the best I can to not frustate you
20:09:30 <gnokii> wb izabelvalverde
20:09:40 <izabelvalverde> back
20:10:59 <CarlosRibeiro> hum... great now this chanell smells like flowers, thanks for be back izabelvalverde ;)
20:12:35 <warlordfff> hahaha
20:12:58 <warlordfff> CarlosRibeiro are you a grandson of Casanova? :D
20:13:22 <CarlosRibeiro> yes, but just for ladies like izabel :D
20:15:09 <CarlosRibeiro> gnokii do you like to give us a interview abut how art-work team is helping ambassador program, also what the importance of a good art-work team for a program like Ambassadors program?
20:15:29 <CarlosRibeiro> I would like to interview you to publish in some magazines too
20:15:41 <CarlosRibeiro> gnokii: do you like to do that ?
20:15:53 <gnokii> describe interview
20:18:30 <CarlosRibeiro> like this... Hello mr gnokii as a member of a art-team and also a openSUSE Ambassador, could you give some words about what the importance of art-work for any  Ambassador program?
20:18:31 <CarlosRibeiro> As you are master of design. what do you think is a better way to get involved and in touch with art-work team to help ambassador program
20:18:49 <CarlosRibeiro> gnokii: well. the interview will be just like you like
20:19:21 <izabelvalverde> not so sweet I hope :D
20:19:27 <CarlosRibeiro> we can create questions togueter, you answer all questin and I send to the linux magazine editor to be publish
20:19:28 <gnokii> just send me the questions until when I have to do that?
20:20:14 <CarlosRibeiro> gnokii:  you can send anwers back when you have time. no pression, just a friend trying to help a friend to help everyone :D
20:20:29 <izabelvalverde> 2 days :D
20:21:12 <CarlosRibeiro> izabelvalverde:  no pression with the new ones, please :D
20:21:31 <gnokii> mmh CarlosRibeiro u know who the journalist from both of us is :D
20:21:52 <izabelvalverde> CarlosRibeiro I'll watch my step... sorry :D
20:22:18 <CarlosRibeiro> izabelvalverde: :D
20:22:42 <CarlosRibeiro> gnokii:  I'll prepare some question, no more than 5 to send to you
20:23:09 <CarlosRibeiro> but if you like to have other questions, that you may believe is important to say
20:23:25 <CarlosRibeiro> fell free to adapt or chance my questions, or even to add some if yu like
20:23:34 <CarlosRibeiro> gnokii: sounds good for you?
20:23:55 <gnokii> mmh dont get that wrong but that are my normal rights ;)
20:24:09 <CarlosRibeiro> ;)
20:24:12 <jospoortvliet> manugupt1: I have a q
20:24:16 <jospoortvliet> can you make this look good: http://en.opensuse.org/index.php?title=openSUSE:Marketing_materials&action=submit
20:24:28 <manugupt1> Yes.. jospoortvliet
20:24:31 <jospoortvliet> oh bad link
20:24:33 <jospoortvliet> sec
20:24:41 <jospoortvliet> http://en.opensuse.org/index.php?title=openSUSE:Marketing_materials&action=edit&section=4
20:24:43 <jospoortvliet> try preview
20:24:48 <jospoortvliet> and look at it and don't cry please
20:25:09 <jospoortvliet> I can't get it to look so you only see HighRes(eng) and LowRes(eng) and so on which links to the files
20:25:14 <jospoortvliet> tried a lot of variations...
20:25:16 <jospoortvliet> meh
20:25:17 <jospoortvliet> stupid wiki :D
20:25:46 <warlordfff> I finally leave you
20:25:53 <warlordfff> goodnight
20:25:57 <warlordfff> all
20:27:14 <manugupt1> Is this what you wanted http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Marketing_materials because I did not get you
20:28:15 <jospoortvliet> manugupt1: sec
20:29:13 <jospoortvliet> http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Marketing_materials
20:29:19 <jospoortvliet> section with folders and leaflets
20:29:20 <jospoortvliet> meh
20:29:24 <jospoortvliet> just added the openSUSE poster
20:29:28 <jospoortvliet> but it pasts it right in there
20:29:32 <jospoortvliet> instead of making a download...
20:29:38 <jospoortvliet> hope you can fix that tool master manugupt1 :D
20:29:50 <jospoortvliet> I really suck at this wiki stuff, the markup - not my thing...
20:29:58 <manugupt1> Let me see if I can do it
20:30:36 <CarlosRibeiro> jospoortvliet: 0 x 1 manugupt1
20:30:44 <CarlosRibeiro> vivas master manugupt1
20:30:45 <CarlosRibeiro> :D
20:31:06 <jospoortvliet> lol
20:31:07 <jospoortvliet> yeah
20:32:44 <manugupt1> http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Marketing_materials#Folders_and_leaflets jospoortvliet
20:32:45 <manugupt1> :)
20:33:29 <gnokii> nmarques: ???
20:33:32 <manugupt1> jospoortvliet, did it..
20:33:34 <nmarques> gnokii, ?
20:33:49 <CarlosRibeiro> wow manugupt1 is not just a geeko, he is a super geeko
20:34:00 <gnokii> fun sending me a mial here is my photo and forget the attachment
20:34:01 <CarlosRibeiro> nice manugupt1 thanks a lot again
20:34:20 <manugupt1> welcome... :)
20:34:27 <Looser> hello!
20:35:34 <jospoortvliet> manugupt1: yes, the image is now looking good... but, ehm, can you also make the other links not show the full file URL but just the short one?
20:35:46 <jospoortvliet> let  "LowRes (EN)" be a link ot the file?
20:35:50 <jospoortvliet> or is that not possible?
20:35:52 <CarlosRibeiro> Looser:  Hello and welcome to the Ambassador Collaboration Day, put your hands up and see if yu like to tak part of some task, http://manugupt1.ietherpad.com/os-Collab-Ambassador?
20:35:55 <CarlosRibeiro> Looser: :D
20:36:06 <Looser> :)
20:36:09 <jospoortvliet> I tried with like [ [ File:LINUX-MAGAZIN-Kalender_2011_English_Highres.pdf|HighRes(EN) ] ]
20:36:11 <Looser> ok
20:36:12 <jospoortvliet> but it didn't work
20:36:15 <jospoortvliet> (without the spaces)
20:36:18 <manugupt1> jospoortvliet, Let the others be there, they are looking good.. the poster was to big...
20:36:29 <jospoortvliet> hey Looser now that's a nick I can appreciate hehe welcome
20:36:35 <jospoortvliet> manugupt1: ok we let them be
20:36:35 <manugupt1> [ [: File:LINUX-MAGAZIN-Kalender_2011_English_Highres.pdf|HighRes(EN) ] ]
20:36:38 <jospoortvliet> tnx!
20:36:45 <Dominian> the meeting is still going on?
20:36:46 <jospoortvliet> serious, a : in front would solve it?
20:36:55 <jospoortvliet> Dominian: ask CarlosRibeiro but you can always help :D
20:36:56 <manugupt1> Dominian, dont call it a meeting
20:36:58 <manugupt1> yes :)
20:37:09 <jospoortvliet> manu so that's it jeez
20:37:09 <Looser> thank you, hehe, i'm new here
20:37:10 <jospoortvliet> ok tnx
20:37:11 <Dominian> manugupt1: I'm just looking at the /topic
20:37:15 <jospoortvliet> now I WILL fix it manugupt1 hehe
20:37:28 <manugupt1> Dont really...
20:37:32 <gnokii> calligra I think there always on viagra maybe thats my age
20:37:53 <CarlosRibeiro> Dominian:  yes thi meeting still runing fast and furious
20:38:22 <jospoortvliet> manugupt1: and you're right...
20:38:24 <jospoortvliet> darn darn
20:38:34 <jospoortvliet> tnx
20:38:35 <CarlosRibeiro> and will be on for more 5 hours,
20:38:43 <manugupt1> jospoortvliet, Do review our piratepad because I dont know if I will be look into it after a week
20:38:47 <jospoortvliet> I love you all so much now hehe
20:38:50 <CarlosRibeiro> until is 24:00 brazilian time
20:38:57 <jospoortvliet> manugupt1: don't worry I will look at it
20:39:06 <jospoortvliet> but most likely only shortly before we start - busy busy so I delay things...
20:39:09 <jospoortvliet> I know, it's bad
20:39:16 <jospoortvliet> CarlosRibeiro: shouldn't you get some sleep before that :D
20:39:16 <CarlosRibeiro> then we already have 5 hours more to make thinks done
20:39:22 <manugupt1> Thanks.. but do it..
20:39:27 <manugupt1> Bye all
20:39:46 <CarlosRibeiro> jospoortvliet: not yet, I will only slepp when my mission (our mission) is completed :D
20:39:53 <CarlosRibeiro> do you know why?
20:40:08 <jospoortvliet> CarlosRibeiro: what, world domination? then get yourself a 10-year supply of coffee :D
20:40:11 <jospoortvliet> hehe
20:40:14 <jospoortvliet> bye manugupt1!
20:40:16 <CarlosRibeiro> We all are having lot of fun I think. wy I should fell sleep. Impossible
20:40:17 <jospoortvliet> thanks for the help!
20:40:30 <CarlosRibeiro> bye master manugupt1
20:40:32 <jospoortvliet> CarlosRibeiro: you're right dude spot on :D
20:40:36 <jospoortvliet> master manugupt1 good night!
20:40:41 <CarlosRibeiro> super thanks for all you did manugupt1
20:41:11 <manugupt1> Good night...
20:41:15 <gnokii> jospoortvliet: be more productive this day
20:41:42 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: is that an order ;-)
20:42:06 <gnokii> of course it is
20:42:31 <gnokii> u had always 2 weeks holiday in brazil, so now is time to work as u would be me
20:42:47 <jospoortvliet> haha
20:43:18 <jospoortvliet> anything specific you mean?
20:43:38 <gnokii> yes help helen_au with the slogans/texts!
20:44:47 <CarlosRibeiro> gnokii:  +1
20:45:16 <CarlosRibeiro> jospoortvliet: I quite busy now, but in 30 minutes I believe I will be able to join you and helen to fisnih this taks too
20:46:09 <jospoortvliet> aaah
20:46:14 <jospoortvliet> ok
20:46:44 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: you happen to have a quick link?
20:46:49 <jospoortvliet> I will take a look...
20:46:50 <gnokii> mom
20:47:32 <gnokii> http://piratepad.net/VQM25U4GMy
20:49:44 <gnokii> mmh I didnt know I did a motif for brtzen
20:55:22 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: send it to frank :D
20:55:53 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: I don't really understand the piratepads
20:56:01 <jospoortvliet> so each text is the name of one of the posters?
20:56:06 <jospoortvliet> which needs a slogan and text right?
20:57:32 <gnokii> http://karl-tux-stadt.de/ktuxs/?p=2922
20:57:44 <gnokii> motifes I publishe but there are more now
20:58:08 <gnokii> so every needs a headline, some are good I think and a text about the topic
20:59:01 <jospoortvliet> ok
20:59:04 <jospoortvliet> I will work on it a bit
20:59:12 <gnokii> wait I load up the newest
21:04:12 <gnokii> unbelievable firefox needs 90 % of my memory
21:06:55 <gnokii> jospoortvliet: there it is http://img.susepaste.org/84010398
21:11:23 <javier__> me is back
21:12:29 <CarlosRibeiro> javier__:  ;)
21:12:44 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: yeah firefox can be horrible
21:12:51 <javier__> jospoortvliet: +1
21:12:57 <javier__> ;-)
21:13:14 <CarlosRibeiro> gnokii: jospoortvliet that's is a really nice material
21:13:22 <jospoortvliet> and now I have a little screw-you-guys: I'm going to have a run and a shower, really need that, haven't left the house all day - work work work. need my fresh air... be back around 11:00 (45 min)
21:13:25 <jospoortvliet> but I love you all :D
21:13:31 <gnokii> still working on the last 2
21:13:44 <CarlosRibeiro> yeah I would like to have all of these banner printed big size to cover each wall of my house
21:14:07 <gnokii> jospoortvliet: what fresh air? run, shower what is that here
21:14:25 <jospoortvliet> oh fuck you gnokii ;-)
21:14:26 <jospoortvliet> lol
21:14:28 <jospoortvliet> later guys
21:14:29 <CarlosRibeiro> will be a the most AWESOME openSUSE embassy in the world
21:14:29 <gnokii> I worked the whole weekend, slept only 4 hrs a day
21:16:37 <CarlosRibeiro> gnokii: I could say, ohh.. poor guy, nice work, go and get some rest, blahblahbalh, but I prefer to say, oh. that's the point, we don't sleep, we just sometimes give a init 6 comando to our selfs
21:17:15 <CarlosRibeiro> gnokii: and if we are having fun to do something, of course we do good and as a result we get materials like you made
21:18:06 <CarlosRibeiro> if you don't mind, I will send you the portguese translations for all banners
21:18:23 <gnokii> CarlosRibeiro: u dont get it, I have only to do the same others do, make a lot of noise what I do u know ;)
21:18:31 <CarlosRibeiro> as soon someone from here hands up to do this task :D
21:19:15 <gnokii> which task?
21:22:01 <CarlosRibeiro> to translate banners words/text slogans
21:22:24 <gnokii> before it can be translated there is still the text needed ;)
21:23:22 <CarlosRibeiro> ahahahaha I was alread starting to translate one
21:23:41 <CarlosRibeiro> gnokii: thanks for warn me
21:23:47 <CarlosRibeiro> :D
21:23:54 <CarlosRibeiro> ahahaha
21:27:40 <gnokii> huhu helen_au
21:27:58 <helen_au> gnokii, hi Sirko
21:28:04 <gnokii> I took a look at ur piratepad
21:28:12 <helen_au> ok
21:28:41 <gnokii> I didnt draw something for Bretzn
21:29:03 <helen_au> oh I guessed the packages on the trolley were Bretzn
21:29:08 <helen_au> since it's about getting it 'out there'
21:29:10 <helen_au> lol
21:29:12 <nmarques> Bretzn is an awesome name for internationalization ;)
21:29:13 <gnokii> no its OBS to
21:29:17 <helen_au> kk
21:29:24 <gnokii> I did a new one
21:29:35 <gnokii> http://img.susepaste.org/84010398
21:31:46 <helen_au> heh, swiss army knife!
21:32:25 <helen_au> I sent in some alternative name suggestions for Bretzn but I guess they didn't like them
21:32:55 <helen_au> Bretzn kinda works anyhow though they need a nicer picture
21:33:43 <zoumpis> hello to everybody / hola a todos
21:34:21 <helen_au> Hello Athanasions-Helios
21:34:39 <gnokii> helen_au:  and thats the question what represent the swiss army knife
21:34:59 <helen_au> oh ok.
21:35:10 <helen_au> I thought swiss army knife was more OBS
21:35:14 <CarlosRibeiro> Hello zoumpis
21:35:22 <helen_au> to me Bretzn is more like a printing press
21:35:30 <helen_au> but swiss army knife works too
21:35:48 <gnokii> Bretzn is more a process from some oS tools together
21:35:50 <CarlosRibeiro> helen_au: I liked swiss army knife
21:36:01 <helen_au> ok
21:36:24 <helen_au> it gets tricky for me talking about these things because they are all a little bit connected
21:36:31 <helen_au> Kiwi is integrated with OBS
21:36:41 <helen_au> and I think Bretzn is going that way too, more and more integrated
21:36:53 <helen_au> It's a good analogy
21:37:06 <CarlosRibeiro> sure very good
21:37:52 <CarlosRibeiro> i mean, when we start to understand every piece of the openSUSE project and some related projects and components
21:38:51 <gnokii> helen_au: no Kiwi is the base of SUSE Studio but is still a single project
21:39:38 <helen_au> gnokii, oh my impression was that it was somewhat integrated
21:39:58 <helen_au> ugh.
21:40:15 <gnokii> kiwi is a tool for building images and what do we with Studio ;)
21:42:13 <helen_au> http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_product_definition_handling#Create_images_from_kiwi_description
21:43:15 <gnokii> yeah
21:43:49 <helen_au> I think of OSC and OBS as two aspects of same
21:43:55 <helen_au> which is probably not quite correct really
21:44:00 <helen_au> since you have OBS repos etc
21:44:04 <CarlosRibeiro> I have a question about this ... with studio we can create a special image with a different and remote home directory?
21:44:51 <CarlosRibeiro> also we can control versions of images created at sutio using directory polices, like NDS, active directry,...?
21:45:09 <nmarques> CarlosRibeiro, you should try to make one ;)
21:49:20 <helen_au> nother wiki page in need of love  http://en.opensuse.org/Portal:KIWI/News
21:49:28 <helen_au> wikis drive me nuts
21:52:39 <helen_au> has anyone considered dropping the hyphens out of that LI-F-E acronym?
21:52:53 <CarlosRibeiro> let's supose that we need to create a infra-structure to support on-demand virtual machines and images workloads, but we have several and rotative kinds of hardware. Then we need to have a datacenter infrastructure to support create, destroy and sync images, vms, and physicall machines without interruption. we can do all this using studio? also I remember that is a 24 hours OEM computer company that have 3 turns and each turn have a dif
21:52:57 <helen_au> reminds me of writing SuSe
21:52:59 <helen_au> SUse
21:53:06 <helen_au> SusE
21:53:13 <nmarques> it was SuSE ;9
21:53:18 <nmarques> SuSE GmbH
21:53:21 <helen_au> yes but it took me forever
21:53:26 <helen_au> I didn't know the u was und
21:53:38 <nmarques> nouns in German are always capitalized
21:53:45 <nmarques> that's why it was SuSE ;)
21:53:54 <helen_au> and who knows where the dots are in delicious
21:53:57 <nmarques> all nouns except the u from 'und' (and)
21:53:58 <helen_au> the bookmarking tool
21:54:06 <javier__> System und Software Entwicklung?
21:54:12 <helen_au> my point being the odd spelling and punctuation are a Pain In The A....
21:54:31 <helen_au> most people I know can't even use an apostrophe correctly.
21:54:47 <helen_au> actually in Linux Magazine I think I saw OpenSUSE a lot.
21:54:59 <helen_au> (might have been a different publication...)
21:55:03 <javier__> OpenSuse is worse
21:55:03 <helen_au> this week.
21:55:39 <javier__> there's a German guy who writes tons of articles about openSUSE ... and still misspells it tons of times ;(
21:56:01 <helen_au> lol
21:56:38 <helen_au> I can never remember del.ici.ous
21:56:41 <helen_au> I always just google it
21:56:56 <helen_au> but a software writer ought to get it right
21:57:06 <helen_au> (well I guess we forgive the Old School guys huh?)
21:58:41 <CarlosRibeiro> helen_au:  yes, but most part of times this happen because the text editors they are using sometimes are already setup to not allow openSUSE in the beginning of lines, phrases, and automatically chances for OpenSUSE. and us that have nothing with that suffer the consequences
21:59:02 <helen_au> yes auto formatting is very frustrating
21:59:19 <CarlosRibeiro> helen_au: we need to do something smart to fix this problem
21:59:24 <helen_au> my sister is a chemist, she gets so mad with Microsoft Office
22:00:04 <helen_au> fixing text editors?
22:00:11 <CarlosRibeiro> oh jesus chirst
22:00:21 <helen_au> lol
22:00:31 <CarlosRibeiro> yes I'm thinking about a kind f viral twitter message
22:00:42 <helen_au> how to actually spell openSUSE
22:01:00 <helen_au> is it that big an issue actually? do most people get it right?
22:01:06 <jospoortvliet> zoumpis: hi
22:01:09 <jospoortvliet> hi helen_au
22:01:23 <helen_au> I think maybe because it looks like fancy spelling small/caps just for a logo, you know - for the design part
22:01:33 <helen_au> not that it is actually spelled that way in writing.
22:01:39 <helen_au> jospoortvliet, hiya!
22:01:59 <CarlosRibeiro> "Save the openSUSE!" Have you any doubt that if the community manger with all ambassadors starts to twit and re-twit this . will bring a nice interesting on people
22:02:26 <helen_au> they might think we're worried that Attachmate is going to destroy us
22:02:31 <jospoortvliet> helen_au: about LI-F-E - please propose that on project I support the idea to just call it LIFE...
22:02:32 <helen_au> not about spelling
22:02:45 <CarlosRibeiro> and after 3 weeks maybe we can publish a article as answer for that question
22:02:45 <helen_au> oh ok on project mailing list
22:03:24 <helen_au> "yes we spell it openSUSE.... more than just a logo"
22:07:41 <javier__> I've just seen you writing your email on piratepad and this remind of one thing.. once I wrote my email on a piece of paper but I used the < > symbols and he asked if they were part of my email address
22:08:00 <helen_au> lol
22:08:01 <javier__> he=a guy
22:08:16 <helen_au> yes it's amazing isn't it
22:08:20 <javier__> yes
22:08:44 <helen_au> a friend just gave me her old computer.. "it's really fast"... well it was, years ago. 256meg ram!
22:09:29 <javier__> hehe
22:09:42 <helen_au> I was just thinking about who ambassadors are talking to
22:09:48 <helen_au> just looking to attract new users?
22:10:50 <helen_au> the 'community' word always concerns me a little
22:13:39 <helen_au> and there I go saying 'community' myself....
22:15:10 <javier__> helen_au: maybe we could make a campaign to tell people how to spell it right ;)
22:15:14 <javier__> hehe
22:15:56 <helen_au> :P
22:17:18 <helen_au> time for cello lesson... bye for now
22:17:27 <javier__> ah nice :)
22:17:29 <javier__> bye
22:17:32 <CarlosRibeiro> As everything good goes faster than the normal, we are getting closer to the end and last hour of our meeting. I would like to invite everyone that had stop and done something to not forgot to let their names, e-mail address and the topics that are worked at the the end of http://manugupt1.ietherpad.com/os-Collab-Ambassador? I would like to give a nice participation certificate of our Ambassador Collaboration Day to each here
22:24:09 * javier__ has just added another event to the ambassadors events wikipage
22:24:57 <javier__> the date and specific city is not confirmed yet. but it always takes place in the same region
22:25:11 <javier__> Party Quijote :)
22:26:26 <CarlosRibeiro> javier__:  :)
22:27:34 <jospoortvliet> Ok my friends. I had a look at the poster texts: http://piratepad.net/VQM25U4GMy now it's time for others to help out and be creative :D
22:27:57 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: hope you like my work, now don't say I am lazy again :D
22:37:26 <javier__> another idea: fostering the creation of openSUSE Official Live CDs localised into your mother tongue
22:37:52 <zoumpis> that's sounds good
22:38:04 <zoumpis> javier: estoy de acuerdo
22:38:20 <gnokii> jospoortvliet: cant say that yet have to fix the with the motifes
22:38:40 <javier__> the official openSUSE Live CDs are available in English, German and Russian
22:39:34 <zoumpis> is there any project running abou this ?
22:39:45 <zoumpis> about the creation of live cd's?
22:40:16 <javier__> the distribution people like coolo
22:40:55 <javier__> the idea is to create a Live CD localised, hosted on opensuse.org but maintained by the local community
22:41:11 <javier__> also, there's no need to have a thousand localised Live CDs
22:41:34 <javier__> for example, there could be one for latin america (pt, es , en)
22:42:58 <javier__> in the case of Greece, gr-it-en maybe?
22:43:30 <javier__> perhaps we should better define regions
22:44:09 <javier__> in some cases, it's very clear... Iberian Peninsula, Scandinavia, Baltic republics, ...
22:45:19 <CarlosRibeiro> jospoortvliet:  I really like words, also I give some cents over there
22:45:21 <CarlosRibeiro> ;)
22:46:19 <javier__> French-Dutch-Walloon
22:47:38 <jospoortvliet> CarlosRibeiro: cool :D
22:54:12 <bckurera> hi all
22:54:15 <bckurera> good morning
22:54:21 <javier__> good night! ;)
22:56:32 <CarlosRibeiro> bckurera:  hell
22:56:39 <CarlosRibeiro> ops
22:56:43 <CarlosRibeiro> hello
22:56:50 <izabelvalverde> :D
22:57:25 <bckurera> CarlosRibeiro whats up
22:57:58 <CarlosRibeiro> well we have more 30 minutes left for our Ambassador Collaboration Day
22:58:41 <CarlosRibeiro> Lots of works done, very good day
22:59:23 <CarlosRibeiro> bckurera: take a look, http://manugupt1.ietherpad.com/os-Collab-Ambassador?
23:01:33 <bckurera> oki
23:02:53 <CarlosRibeiro> brb, time for a glass of water :D
23:17:25 <CarlosRibeiro> all geekos, lizards, ambassadors and openSUSE enthusiasms, 20 minutes left for our openSUSE Ambassador Collaboration Day
23:20:54 <izabelvalverde> CarlosRibeiro congrats! it was a very good work day
23:23:01 <CarlosRibeiro> izabelvalverde: thank you. All this was only possible because we have such value people like you around us to push us to the best we can do
23:24:11 <gnokii> CarlosRibeiro: dont forget to buy izabelvalverde a ticket for the next openSUSE COnf next year :D
23:24:37 <izabelvalverde> indeed :D
23:24:56 <CarlosRibeiro> sure gnokii, next conf you will get the chance to meet us I promisse
23:25:24 <CarlosRibeiro> of course using izabel great networking ;)
23:26:15 <izabelvalverde> Carlos btw I talk to Paulinho Maia today ;)
23:26:23 <izabelvalverde> will work in May :D
23:26:38 <CarlosRibeiro> owesome
23:27:33 <CarlosRibeiro> izabelvalverde: don't forget to give me all details about that talk with Paulinho Maia ;)
23:27:49 <izabelvalverde> don't worry I will ;)
23:28:38 <jaom7> a bit late, just back from work :S
23:30:09 <javier__> hi jaom7
23:30:16 <jaom7> hi
23:30:21 <jaom7> hi javier_
23:30:42 <gnokii> he jaom u got a package :D
23:31:04 <jaom7> yes indeed
23:31:16 <jaom7> just posted about it via the social networks :D
23:31:35 <jaom7> thanks, compact but with a significant info.
23:31:47 <jaom7> and is already on my bag to take to Ecuador
23:32:55 <javier__> jospoortvliet: got your mail. thanks!
23:33:08 <jospoortvliet> cool
23:33:11 <jospoortvliet> let's see what happens :D
23:33:15 <javier__> :D
23:33:22 <jaom7> we will have a small evento gathering people from the kokoa community, professors and students. So the idea is to motivate  them to try FLOSS and start from linux in green AKA openSUSE
23:33:24 <jaom7> :D
23:34:05 <gnokii> yeah jaom7 kokoa made a good flisol event so u deserve it
23:34:05 <CarlosRibeiro> hi jaom7 we have 4 minutes left :(
23:34:16 <jaom7> this is the first event of that kind that I am trying and I hope to make and annual meeting
23:34:42 <CarlosRibeiro> jaom7: so nice, so good
23:34:56 <jaom7> thanks, I'll go fast to the list in the link
23:34:57 <jaom7> CarlosRibeiro
23:35:16 <jaom7> can I just freely add text?
23:35:18 <javier__> btw, who's planning to go to FOSDEM? :D
23:35:39 <CarlosRibeiro> jaom7: keep i touch with us that I gave you my words that we will do everything possible to make this event a BIG FLOSS around there
23:35:41 <jaom7> It was on my plans, but gotta something to do :S
23:35:45 <gnokii> we all jospoortvliet pay for it :D
23:35:52 <javier__> ;D
23:35:57 <CarlosRibeiro> gnokii: +1
23:36:18 <jospoortvliet> yeah you wish gnokii ;-)
23:36:33 <jaom7> sure. Nowadays I am in Belgium for my studies. But I have strong connections with the kokoa community which is main FLOSS force in gye-Ecuador
23:36:55 <CarlosRibeiro> last miute, than I would like to say thanks for everyone
23:37:11 <CarlosRibeiro> that had been part of this great day
23:37:19 <gnokii> jospoortvliet: was not a wish I demanded
23:37:59 <CarlosRibeiro> everyone one, every contribution, evry minute we spend today
23:38:28 <CarlosRibeiro> was very important for the openSUSE Ambassador program
23:38:52 <CarlosRibeiro> I hope you all had a wonderfull and fun day
23:38:55 <jospoortvliet> gnokii: hehe well in that case I'll take a second mortgage :D
23:39:04 <jospoortvliet> CarlosRibeiro: I know I did :D
23:39:10 <jospoortvliet> thanks for leading it! nice work.
23:39:37 <CarlosRibeiro> my pleasure with kostas ;)
23:39:49 <CarlosRibeiro> next time I hope we do better but for now
23:39:58 <gnokii> jospoortvliet:  be happy I need only a sleeping place for fosdem and I need not a 5 star hotel
23:40:14 <CarlosRibeiro> Is time go go out for a bit, cprepare all reports, keep everyone aligned about what happens today
23:40:37 <izabelvalverde> jospoortvliet I don't mind about 2 star hotel :D
23:40:38 <javier__> gnokii: we just need a sleeping bag... to sleep in a 5 star hotel
23:40:40 <javier__> :P
23:40:43 <CarlosRibeiro> and please people, don't forget to go and let you name, email address and what you did
23:41:01 <jospoortvliet> CarlosRibeiro: I did nothing, is that OK? ;-)
23:41:01 <CarlosRibeiro> at the end of the page http://manugupt1.ietherpad.com/os-Collab-Ambassador?
23:41:05 <gnokii> javier__: I bring the sleeping bag so I need none
23:41:14 <javier__> CarlosRibeiro: out of curiosity what's this certificate thingy?
23:41:19 <jaom7> hehe I just manage to add one line :S
23:41:39 <CarlosRibeiro> anyone wishes to say something before a Close the meeting?
23:41:55 <CarlosRibeiro> javier__:  surprise ...;)
23:42:01 <CarlosRibeiro> 5
23:42:04 <CarlosRibeiro> 4
23:42:06 <javier__> :D
23:42:30 <CarlosRibeiro> #action Carlos and Kostas needs to send a report to AMbassadorML, MKT ML and News.oo
23:42:33 <CarlosRibeiro> 3
23:42:36 <CarlosRibeiro> 2
23:42:39 <CarlosRibeiro> 1
23:42:45 <CarlosRibeiro> #endmeeting